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Long time no see, ma dudes! NGL, I've come to love seeing 100+ notifications on Wattpad literally every time I check it. It's great. Something small and funny that just happened a couple hours ago, I made a flyer for my dad's company and did a little "About Us" thing on it and he was significantly surprised by how well I wrote it, unprompted and spontaneously. It was great.

Also, to anyone wondering, I'm trying to put music that matches with Six's music taste above instead of random songs.

Episode- Second Chance At First Line

(Six's P.O.V.)

I run through the woods alone, taking in the fresh air. After everything that happened on Friday, my dad decided that I could stay home on Monday, today. Because of my arm I can't play lacrosse until it heals, which sucks, so I decided to take my anger out on a run. Linkin Park's "Numb" blares through my earbuds as I race past trees. I've been dead sprinting since I reached the preserve, and I'm on the edge of hitting my limit.

The song ends and I decide to stop for a minute to catch my breath. I brace my forearms on my knees as I gasp for air. I take one earbud out so I can hear my surroundings, shoving my glasses further up onto my face. I slip my beanie off and run my fingers through my hair before slipping it back on.

"It's Six, right?"

The voice makes me jump and I look to my right to see Derek Hale, in all his arousing glory. I remove my other earbud, my eyes slowly trailing over his body. Even through his leather jacket and jeans I can tell how toned his muscles are.

"That's me." I say, realizing that I hadn't answered his question.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Derek's voice sounds amused but his facial expression is one of annoyance.

"You know it." I smirk, finally making eye contact. "What can I do for you, Mr. Hale?"

"Scott got you good, didn't he?" Derek gestures to my arm, wrapped in fresh bandages.

"Shit happens." I shrug. "I heard you're a werewolf too. Sott says you're the one that bit him."

"And do you believe him?"

"I believe that he thinks you're the one that bit him."

"That doesn't answer my question, Six." Derek crosses his arms, annoyed.

"I don't think you're the one that bit him, no." I shake my head.

"And why is that?" Derek frowns, seemingly confused by my statement.

"In nature, wolf packs are made up of 3, 4 positions." I start. "Alphas are the leaders. They're feared and loved by the other wolves and they're the strongest too. Betas have more controversy, I guess you could say. Most often, they're seen as the second-in-command. Then there's the omegas, which are the weakest of the bunch. The bitches of the pack. There's also Lunas, which are like pack mothers and are the Alpha's mate. But I think the main three stages are how things work with werewolves too. So I think there's a third one of you guys. And I think he's the one that bit Scott. You and Scott, you seem to be omegas. You don't have packs, which makes you weak. Safety in numbers. But I think this third werewolf, this alpha, wants Scott as his beta."

"You're one smart kid, I'll give you that." The werewolf chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"Dude, I'm not a kid. I'm far from."

"Yes you are." Derek rolls his eyes back and I'm about to make a sarcastic remark when my phone rings.

"What do you want, Stiles?" I ask into the phone, obviously knowing it was him because of the personalized ringtone.

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