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The time has finally come. This shit is a year overdue and I hope you all love this return just as much as I do. This chapter clocks in at just under 8k words so don't say I never did anything for you all. Here we go.

Episode- N/A

(3rd P.O.V.)

It didn't take long for everyone to scatter after Derek's declaration. Scott bolted into the woods, Argent pulled Allison towards his car while calling the cops, Derek hauled Peter's corpse god knows where, and the Stilinski twins plus Jackson crammed back into the Porsche before speeding away, narrowly missing the police rushing to the scene. The twins drive home before Jackson leaves with his car.

"So what happened to you?" Six asks his twin as he unlocks the front door with his key since Stiles didn't have his.

"Long story short, Peter kidnapped me, made me track Scott's phone, then crushed my keys." Stiles sighs. "What happened with you and Danny? I thought you didn't have feelings for him anymore."

"What?" Six frowns, kicking the door closed as they enter their home.

"Don't play dumb." Stiles chuckles. "Your hair is a mess, you don't have shoes on, and your pants are backwards."

"What?!" Six exclaims, looking down at his legs, and sure enough, the drawstring is absent from the waistband. He feels for it on his back and sighs as he realizes it's there.

"I don't care who you date as long as they're good for you." Stiles puts a hand on Six's shoulder. "But don't lead either of them on. It'll just hurt you and I don't want you to suffer."

With those words, Stiles tiredly trudges up the stairs, his bedroom door slamming shut behind him. Six runs his fingers through his hair with a sigh before deciding to simply call it a night. He goes up to his room and face-plants onto his mattress, hoping sleep would find its way to him.

2 hours later, long after Six had given up on sleep and had picked up a book to pass the time, there's a soft tapping on his bedroom window. The teen looks up, blinking away his blurry vision from reading so long, and his heart skips a beat at the person on the other side.

Six's book is all but thrown onto the night stand as he dives off the bed to unlock the window. As soon as Derek is through the window, Six throws his arms around him, surprising the new alpha who freezes before slowly wrapping his arms around the younger's shoulders.

"Are you okay?" Six whispers, slowly and reluctantly pulling back.

"Yeah." Derek nods. "Nothing I can't handle."

"So you're really the alpha now?" Six asks, sitting on the edge of his bed as Derek takes his desk chair, leaning forward and resting his forearms on his knees. Instead of speaking, Derek reveals his red eyes, smirking as Six jumps in the slightest at the sudden sight. "Yeah, the blue was pretty but I like the red better. Suits you."

"Thanks." Derek chuckles, red fading back to green.

"So what's your first order of business, Mr. Alpha?" Six smirks this time at the faint red that dusts Derek's cheeks at the name.

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