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Hot damn. I think this is a new record for how long I've gone between updates. I'm truly sorry this one took so long. It was just so hard to get motivation to write this. Don't worry, I got it though, and this chapter should be a little longer than usual to make up for it. I think.

Episode- Second Chance at First Line, Pack Mentality

(Six's P.O.V.)

Scott, Stiles, and I walk out onto the field, where people are bustling around and chatter fills the silence. As we reach the bench, Lydia comes storming up.

"Scott." She hisses, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. "I just want you to remember one thing for tonight."

"Uh... winning isn't everything?" He dumbly asks, blatantly uncomfortable by the female being so close to him.

She chuckles before responding. "Nobody likes a loser." She pats him on the chest and turns to look at me. "Good to see you back, Six. How's the arm?"

"I'm playing fine. Get off the field." I roll my eyes and drop my bag onto the ground. She scrambles off and I pull my helmet over my head.

"Six." Scott calls, stepping closer to me as he pulls his helmet on too.

"Yeah, Scotty?" I ask, picking up my stick.

"What do I do if I start to shift?" He mutters, obviously scared.

"I don't know, try not to kill anyone?" I scoff. "If you shift, you're not gonna have a clear mind. So let's just hope you don't. Now come on, we've got a game to play."

I hit Scott in the chest and storm onto the field after the rest of our team. We all take our positions and out of the corner of my eye I see my dad go up to Stiles, who anxiously chews his glove fingertip. They exchange words, looking at me in worry, and I roll my eyes in annoyance.

The whistle blows and we all take off, chasing after the ball. I end up body slamming someone to the ground, smirking at the dude's misfortune. Scott races down the sideline, signalling that he's open repeatedly, only to be ignored. I run ahead and tackle another guy from the opposing team, sandwiching him between myself and the Bacon Hills player with the ball. My plan works and the small piece of plastic is abandoned on the ground. I run towards the goal, pretending I have the ball to lure the players from it so Scott can retrieve it.

My plan works and Scott races for the ball, but so does Jackson. The complete tool blatantly throws Scott to the ground and takes the ball. I grunt in anger and run over to my friend, pulling him to his feet as Jackson scores.

"That's it, Jackson! Get fired up! Good feign, Stilinski!" I vaguely hear Coach screaming, and I can't help my chuckle.

"Feign?" Scott asks me, confused.

"I'm the one who got him to drop the ball, Dumbass. I slammed another player into him and pretended I had the ball." I roll my eyes.

"What? Six, you're not usually this violent." Scott frowns.

"Shut up and play the game."


It takes a while, but with me knocking into the players with the ball and Scott's anger level rising, he manages to get the ball, scoring every time he does. Coach screams to pass to him and our team-mates finally disobey Jackson. At one point Scott jumps over two players to grab the ball from mid-air, and I grin as he races for the goal, and we all follow him. At the last second he's blocked by too many players to jump over and he feigns a pass to Danny, before he whirls my way. I easily catch the ball and race for the goal, shoulder-checking a player who gets in the way.

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