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Okay, this chapter is huge compared to the usual ones I give you guys. Normal ones are around 1,000 words and this one is over 3,400. So don't say I don't do anything for you all. Plenty of Six and Derek moments and I'm living for it. Also, for those of you affected by anxiety or panic attacks, be cautious towards the end of this chapter because there is a panic attack scene. I'll mark it with **** so you know in case you wish to skip over it. It won't affect the overall storyline if you don't wish to read it. ALSO, WE NEED A GOOD SHIP NAME FOR SIX AND DEREK. 

And don't say Dix.

Episode- The Tell, Heart Monitor

(Six's P.O.V.)

"You do know I have a front door, right?" I ask, pushing my glasses further up my face as I realize they've slipped.

"Why aren't you at school?" Derek asks, turning around and closing my window.

"Why is that any of your business?"

"You need an education, Six." He turns to face me once more, crossing his arms.

"Why are you here, Derek?" I groan, snapping my book closed.

"I need help putting clues together."

"See, that's a proper answer." I stand up from my bed, walking to the corner of my room and pulling out my clear dry erase board. "Let's get started."


"Wait, so your uncle survived the fire and he's a werewolf?" I frown, looking over everything written on the board, a mixture of my handwriting and Derek's.

"Yes." Derek nods, sitting on the edge of my bed, his jacket thrown beside him.

"How do we know he isn't the alpha?"

"He'd never kill my sister. And I've seen him since her death. He's still the same he has been since the fire. He's in a vegetative state and he's covered in scar tissue. There's no way he could've done it."

I hum, thinking and chewing the cap of my marker. I run my fingers through my hair again, stumped.

"You should go without your beanie more often." Derek suddenly says and I turn to look at him, my confused gaze meeting his blank one.

"What?" I mutter.

"You look good without your beanie. You should wear it less when you're out and about."

"That's not a normal thing for a straight guy to say, ya know?" I try to ignore my racing heart, looking back at the board in an attempt to distract myself.

"Who ever said I was straight?" Derek scoffs and it feels like my heart stops. We're both quiet for a minute until he suddenly stands. "I need to go."

"Okay." I mutter, still confused, and before I can blink he's gone, the only trace of him being the black leather jacket remaining on my bed.


I hear a shout from Stiles' room and I frown, looking over at the alarm clock on my nightstand. 3:45. I put my marker down and cross the hall to my twin's room.

"When did you get home?" I ask, and he jumps, obviously on edge.

"God!" He exclaims, running a hand over his head. "Like 10 minutes ago. Dude, I need help. I found something at Lydia's-"

A knock on the doorframe makes us both jump this time and I turn around to see our dad leaning against the doorframe.

"Please tell me I'm gonna hear good news at this parent/teacher thing tonight." He sighs, looking back and forth between the two of us.

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