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Oh, you guys are so lucky. I just finished writing this part and it was too good not to post instantly so you guys get another big chapter. Nearly 4,000 words, and that's without this author's note. Lots of Six and Derek moments in this one. Don't say I never did anything for you all.

Episode- Night School, Lunatic

(3rd P.O.V.)

"Stop!" Lydia calls, ending Allison's panic. "Do you hear that?" The redhead looks to the windows and all the teens are quiet until the sound of distant sirens fills their ears. They all look out the window, watching as numerous cop cars and two ambulances pull up beside Six and Stiles' jeep.

"Oh thank God." Stiles sighs before there's a loud thump behind them. Stiles, Lydia, Allison, and Jackson all turn around to see Six laying on the table, arm hanging loosely off the side. "No."

Stiles' voice breaks as he and Allison run over to his twin and Lydia and Jackson begin banging on the window and shouting, trying to get the attention of the cops.

"Six, wake up." Stiles pleads, lightly smacking his brother's face. Allison feels around on his neck before she freezes and her eyes go wide.

"He's got no pulse." She says and the other three freeze.

"WHAT?!" Stiles shouts, looking up at the brunette briefly before beginning to sob. "NO! Six, wake up! Come on, wake up! I can't lose you too!"

"Move." Lydia rushes over, pushing Allison out of the way.

She climbs on top of the table Six is on and straddles him, placing her hands over his chest and beginning CPR. Stiles falls back, watching in horror as his lifelong crush tries to resuscitate his twin brother. There's footsteps in the hallway and struggling at the door, but none of the teens hear it, too focused on Six. Lydia suddenly stops the compressions and leans down, pinching his nose shut and blowing into his mouth before going back to the compressions.

Six suddenly coughs, his eyes weakly opening and looking around, taking in Lydia sitting on top of him, hands placed now gently on his chest.

"Lydia, I thought I told you I'm gay?" He mutters and she, Allison, and Stiles laugh through their tears, the male coming back over to his brother's side.

"Six?" He asks, taking his hand. The younger twin doesn't respond, but he gives a weak smile and squeezes Stiles' hand before closing his eyes, his grip unfaltering.

The door to the classroom suddenly flies open, the lock shattered.

"Stiles? Six?" The sheriff's voice rings out as he and several other cops rush in. He pales at the sight of his sons, and screams for a medic as he rushes over to them. "Get them out of here." He demands another cop, gesturing to the girls and Jackson.

A couple cops do so, just as paramedics rush in with a gurney and medical equipment. They push Stiles and his father out of the way, quickly getting to work.

"What happened?" One of them asks, looking over Six and trying to find the main injury but struggling in the dark classroom.

"His left leg." Stiles blurts out and the paramedics are quick to get a tourniquet around the limb. "He-He passed out twice. The second time Lydia had to do CPR."

"Well she saved his life." They quickly move Six onto the gurney, securing him before leaving the classroom.

Stiles moves to follow, but the sheriff stops him.

"You're not riding with them. Let me sort some things out and then we'll go." He says, obviously terrified but holding together better than Stiles. Said teen nods before they leave the classroom together, meeting everyone else out front of the school.

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