- Chapter Eighteen (Part 2)

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Chapter Eighteen: (Part 2)

Amy's POV:

I have been feeling so weird lately, well for the last couple of days and I have no clue what's going on. I know I'm stupid for jumping to conclusions thinking I have miscarried but I have to be sure... It's probably nothing but I just don't know what is going on with me at the moment, what's with me and certainly what's with the babies?

But I'm pushing the horrible thought out and focusing on my baby shower that Lauren is throwing me and Lou. Lauren just called me and Lou down about 10 minutes ago so we're heading down there now.

Louis has no idea that I have searched about a miscarriage and I haven't told him anything, how I'm feeling and what wrong... I don't want to worry him, I know I should tell him but... I just don't want to.

"You ready?" Louis whispered in my ear as we were about to open the living room door, not knowing what was on the other side... "More than I'll ever be" I said sarcastically which made Louis laugh which made me laugh. His grip tightened on my hand as he bent the doorknob down to open the door. "Sure?" He double checked with a wink. "Yes now open" I demanded with a wink. Louis opened the door and pushed it open.

We walked in...

"Wow" Louis and I said at the same time. "Surprise" Everyone shouted. I blinked, looked around. Blinked again still everyone was there...

Everyone I could think of that Lou and I knew.

Even Ava, my sister from Australia and Will my brother from London. How the hell?

Even Louis' family, the whole gang as we call them were here!

My parents, Lou's parents, my grandparents, Lou's grandparents. Everyone.

Even Chloe... What the actual fuck?!

The living room was beautiful though, Lauren has done an amazing job. There were yellow ribbons everywhere pictures of me and Lou when we were babies. Then what they think the baby would look like in one of those animated things. I looked to my left and there were stacks of presents up to the ceiling, wow! I was so excited to open all of them. Everything was so beautiful. I couldn't thank Lauren enough!

Everyone came rushing towards Lou and I for hugs and greetings and that which was lovely to see all the familiar faces. "Hi baby" Louis' mum said to me and she brought me in for a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Hiya, Jo. How have you been?" I asked rubbing my belly, feeling the babies kick.

"I've been good sweetie, what about you? And the little ones in there?" She asked pointing towards my belly. "I've been ok" I said a little unsure. "Feel like a whale though, but yeah I'm good" I said biting my lip. Jo looked at me and then at the bump then back at me raising my eyebrow, she suspected something... Sugar, Honey, Ice, Tea.

"Something tells me you're not being 100 per cent honest about that?" She said. I looked at her. I just wanted to cry. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. But I pushed them down, no. Not today!

"I'm fine honestly" I lied, smiling and catching my parent's attention. They came walking over to me smiling with presents. YAAY

"Hiya sweetheart how are you?" My mum asked hugging me. "Good thanks how are you?" I asked, hugging dad. "Are you sure you are ok? You look under the weather?" My dad asked. What is with all these questions?! "Yes, I'm brilliant thanks, um, what's Chloe doing here?" I asked with anger in my tone. "She suggested that she came, and I thought it would be a good idea, you know. You guys could clear the air maybe?" My mum asked, I looked at dad and he rolled his eyes and shrugged. He was on my side, why wasn't my mum?

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