- Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine:

It’s been 2 or 3 weeks since we had the party and told everyone that we are expecting twins. I’m now into my second trimester, 18-20 weeks, basically 4 months. During this time, this is where you can feel the baby kick. Or in our case, babies kicking.

I have also recently got in contact my friend Delilah for Niall, neither of them knows what I am doing so it’s all good. I have a gig tonight and I’m bringing Delilah along so, we’ll see?

And I know what you’re thinking, 5 months pregnant and doing a gig, well it’s In a club kind of place, but not like a hectic kind of club, if that makes sense, I will be performing in front of a crowd and then will just hand out with everyone afterwards and then go home. Louis says I shouldn’t be doing it, but I really want to. I have a good voice and I want to share some of my songs to people, even if some are covers, I make my own. I’m even in process of making an album.

Because before me and Lou got together and before he became Mr Worldwide famous, I did covers and out them on YouTube. The boys are always tweeting telling fans to check my music out, I always tell them not too, but boys never listen do they?

“Come on babe, were going to be late, for your big gig” Louis shouted from downstairs. I was still undecided about what I was wearing. That’s all I was nervous about. My voice and what I was singing didn’t bother me. Just what I was wearing, I wasn’t even going to question ‘Do I look fat in this?’ because that would be pointless for god sake, and I couldn’t care if people called me fat, I was pregnant with twins…

“Ok, I’m coming, I’m coming, don’t rush me!” I screamed in a sarcastic tone as I ran down the stairs, forgetting my laces and bam I tripped over the lace and fell down the stairs.

“Bang, bang, bang” Was all I could hear, what was that sound? Oh yeah that was me falling down the stairs all I can remember is tripping and falling down, holding onto my belly, my babies!!!!

“AMY!!” Louis screamed and that was the last thing I heard.

Louis’ POV:

“Ok, I’m coming, I’m coming, don’t rush me!” Amy screamed back at me in her sarcastic tone which she does. I went to get a bottle of what for Amy, when I heard “Bang, bang, bang” I run back out to see the love of my life, my best friend, my wife on the floor unconscious holding her stomach which inside held the most two important things to us.

“AMY!!” I screamed running over to her. “Amy, can you hear me?” I asked shaking her with tears in my eyes and tears running down my cheeks. “Come on baby, you can do this, can you hear me?” I said again shaking her. I got nothing. I pulled out my phone, and dialled 999.

“Hello, yes I need an ambulance please, my wife fell down the stairs and she’s about 4-5 months pregnant, please come and help her, she’s not responding, please, please, please” I screamed over the phone. The people said they would get here as soon as possible because she is pregnant which makes it worse. This isn’t good!

I bent down to Amy and kissed her on the lips “Stay strong baby. I’m so sorry, i love you” I whispered to her as I moved towards her beautiful shaped belly, which had ‘our’ babies in. “Stay strong guys, I’m so sorry, I love you so much” I whispered before I heard the ambulance people knocking on the door, I ran quicker than I have ever in my entire life and legged it back to be next to Amy.

“Ok, 1, 2, 3, up” The man said as they lifted Amy on the board which connects to the trolley thing they have you on. They lifted her into the ambulance and I got straight in with her. I held her hand the whole time and would not stop crying, this is my entire fault.

I rushed her. I did no one else. It was my fault she was running, no one else’s. It was my fault she tripped. It was my fault she fell. Now all three lives are in danger because of me. What have I done?

I pulled out my phone and rang Harry.

“Hello Harry. Right listen to me. There’s been an accident.”

“Yes, it’s the babies, she fell down the stairs and went unconscious, and I’m in the ambulance now with her. Please can you apologize to everyone there? And could you tell Lauren to go to ours, and look after Lola please she was barking when she saw Amy on the ground, I got to go now Haz, I’ll call you later on update, Ok mate, Bye” I said as I hung up and got out of the ambulance with Amy, she was strapped to the board with an oxygen mask on, breathing for her life. For their life.

“Mr Tomlinson?” The doctor said as she walked out to the waiting room outside Amy’s room.

“Yes, can I see her? Is she ok? What about the babies?” I said worriedly. I just wanted to see my baby. My babies.

“She is fine, she is still unconscious. She has severe damage to her head and stomach. We have done an ultrasound and screening and the babies are fine. They must be pretty strong because they wouldn’t have survived that if she fell any harder. You can go and see her but remember she is not awake.” The doctor reassured me. Thank god she is ok, and thank god so are my little ones.

As I walked in the room, I saw her little figure in the bed with the duvet wrapped around her, with her bump sticking out because of how tight the duvet is. I looked over to the heart monitor, beeping away. She still had the tubes up her nose, for the oxygen. I guess she wasn’t as good as I hoped because she can’t breathe by herself but I’m so thankful and gracious that she is alive and my babies are ok.

I planted a kiss on her forehead and sat down on the chair next to her bed. I held her hand and kissed it. She still had her wedding ring on. Looking at that made me cry even more, knowing I could have killed her and the babies, is the worse feeling I could ever feel. Forget the pain of being kicked in the balls. That feeling of knowing you could have lost everything important to you, the people you love, two little babies inside her, is horrible!

“Babe, I know you can’t hear me, well I don’t know that, but I hope you can if you can’t I guess I will be talking to myself. But you always do that, so I guess it’s ok. I’m so sorry I rushed you down the stairs, I am honestly so sorry. I never meant for you to trip. I never meant for you to fall and I never thought you would be laying here and me having to say this to you. I love you so much, please stay strong, not just for me or yourself, but for the babies.”

I spoke loud enough so she could hear. Well if she couldn’t hear, the babies could right?

I sat there waiting all night, hoping and praying that would wake up. I could not just leave, she needed me, the babies needed me. And I needed them.


(A/N: First authors note, so hi to everyone who has been reading, have you been enjoying it? Thank you to everyone who has read it. It's nice to see that people are interested in my book, which is good. This is a short chapter, but i will be uploading tomorrow and that will be a long one and a dramatic one at that. Thank you to everyone who has read it. 2 comments or 2 votes for next chapter?:) )

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