Chapter 6- Is he Mr. India?

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My breath hitched as I looked into his eyes, let me tell you his eyes were as cold as his personality

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My breath hitched as I looked into his eyes, let me tell you his eyes were as cold as his personality. One would surely freeze if he keeps looking into them for more than a moment.

'Still, you can't deny, they are beautiful and you want to look into them more and more,' the voice in the back of my mind chided me. Shut up! Ridiculous!

"Mr Joshi.", his voice brought me out of my trance. My mouth made a perfect O when I saw him away from me, when did he sit back in his chair. Abhi toh he was boring holes in my forehead standing 5cm away from me Is he Mr India?

'Haha good joke, stop it Avni.'- my inner voice again mocked at me.

And why's he calling me Mr Joshi when he knows my real identity.

I opened my mouth to say something but he interrupted me, Wow! What a hypocrite? If I interrupt him then he'll glare at me as if I asked for a part in his property.

"Come and sit.", he said coolly, no scratch that he said icily, how can I sweat as well as feel cold in his company.

No Avni, it's not the time to argue with him, he can rip off your head in this room, credits to you because you only locked the damn door in the first place. I sat down in front of him, trying to control myself from not showing my nervousness or frankly speaking 'fear'. Mr Nirdayi Khanna passed the same papers to me, which I signed a few moments back. I looked at him, awaiting what will he say. I hope it's something different because I'm tired of listening to 'Apologize to me'.

"Mr Joshi how hard I try to ignore the fact that you're a girl having no mind, still you keep proving it again and again. You signed the contract before reading it. Am I right?", he ended and I gasped and mentally slapped myself for being so stupid for giving a golden chance to this Chauvinistic Khanna to start his lecture on men's superiority. But a sudden fear crawled in me. Again I'd say sitting in front of Mr Darawne Khanna is itself a big fear and adding to it, I signed this contract without reading them. What if it's a death warrant, no-no death warrant toh ni hai, I'm sure Mr Apologize-To-Me won't let me die peacefully unless I apologize to him.

"The contract.", he says bringing me back to Earth." says that if you leave the job before the promised time period, you'll pay 1 million as a fine.", he completed his statement leaving me in utter shock.

What type of contract is it? My goodness 1 million, I swear I've not seen this much money in my entire goddamned life, how can I pay this amount as a fine. No Avni you can't fall weak, relax. I masked a fake confident look and looked into his

'graceful!' my stupid inner voice again mocked at me. Shut up you stupid voice it's cold, yes cold eyes.

"And who told you I'd back out,", I smirked. His jaw clenched, a possibility Mr Nirdayi Khanna is angry with my comeback. I mentally did a happy dance that I was successful in looking confident and fearless in front of this chauvinistic, Nirdayi Khanna.

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