{Book 1 in The Never series}
"Marry me.", he commanded.
"What?", I shrieked in disbelief looking into his eyes that were absolutely cold and emotionless. Does he take all this as a goddamn joke?
"Let me rephrase. Be my bride.", he emphasized the las...
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Neil's POV
Joshi fainted!
Right in my arms.
Her skin was burning. Her fiery, challenging eyes went shut and her jet black hair flew open like a waterfall. Damnation when did I become so poetic.
The woman annoys me to death then why am I being so restless?
Focus Neil
Never in life, you've experienced such...., what was it again?
So then why now?
No, no stop it, Neil.
Halting my extreme irrational thoughts, I slipped my right hand under her neck and the other under her knees and lifted her, she weighed absolutely nothing.
Of course, why would she? All she eats is my head.
"Mr Joshi, you better get up that's an order.", I said to her unconscious figure.
I sighed when she didn't throw a sarcastic comeback towards me. Never in my life have I felt so ... desperate. Then why now?
Without any thought, I kicked my room's door open. I laid her on my bed. A few strands of hair were falling on her face and without my permission, my hand reached to tuck those silky strands behind her hair.
Silky strands?
What the...
The woman is making me lose my senses. What in the world am I thinking?
"Sir Dr Surulean is here.", James knocked on the door.
"Oh Mr Khanna, it's an honour meeting you.", the medical professional said.
"Indeed it is.", I said and gestured to him to treat her," Well it'd be good that we don't waste time on these stupid pleasantries and get to work."
"Yes, Right away sir.", the medical professional said and quickly moved to her side. Sitting down he lifted her wrist to check her pulse or whatsoever, then he turned to me and my bodyguard," Sir I need to run some tests, will you uh ahem leave the room for a while?"
"No.", my voice amazed me. It came faster than it should have been.
"Sir but...", the guy started.
"Yes sir, right sir.", he said and turned back continuing his examination.
10 minutes and 39seconds later and my patience level had reduced to half.