Chapter 7- My Life is no less than a fairytale- Note the Sarcasm

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Thirty past four. It's time to go to the ice palace, uh I mean to the Khanna's igloo. I quickly grabbed Mr Kole's baggy shirt and a pair of pants which I didn't steal, I just took them from my other neighbour, Mr Shawn, by the way, he had already discarded the pants so even if I took them, it doesn't matter to him, right? I look into the mirror, something is missing. But what?

I stared more into my reflection, what in the name of Mr-Khanna's-cold-eagle-eyes is missing?

Oh blimey! My beanie hat. My wavy auburn hair was cascading as if it's been centuries since I've opened them. I quickly tied them back in a clean messy bun and wore the beanie hat. Perfect!

I quickly completed my awfully amazing look by wearing the thick-rimmed glasses which I bought from a carnival a long time back, finally they can be used.

Knock Knock!

"Coming!", I yelled descending the stairs. Who could it be? Maa can't be here. she'll be by late.

"Avni Mehta?", the boy, who I supposed is certainly a courier delivery boy said hesitantly.

"Yes, it's me.", I said but the look he gave me, was just of confusion.

"A-are you sure?", he said glancing down from my face to my clo-clothes. My eyes widened in embarrassment. Ou-oh, a blunder.

'Happy realization Mr Joshi', my conscience mocked me. Great!

"Uh I mean I'm Avni Mehta's brother, how can I help you? She isn't available at this moment.", I said convincingly.

'Amazing Avni. Abhiman Joshi was less that now Avni Mehta's brother has also appeared.', yup you guessed that right, my best friend aka my sweet little devil conscience laughed at me.

I shook my head and concentrated back on the courier boy. He just glanced at me once again hesitantly before giving me a box, followed by taking my signature on his paper pad, which I did in the name of Abhi Mehta.

'3names, 1 human..haha', at this moment my devil conscience was laughing hysterically like a maniac. I just shook my head unbelievably that she's me or I'm she. Ugh! this is too difficult to explain, never mind. I once again looked at my watch, 4:40 pm- it read. I still have time. Making my way towards the couch, I unwrapped the mysterious box which was filled with my pictures, all candid in the end was chocolate with a small paper slip.

"Please don't let it be what I'm thinking.", I prayed silently before opening the chit.

A small sweet gift to the sweetest girl on the planet.- Your secret admirer.

My hands started sweating at the creepy letter. I need to do something but what? I quickly climbed the stairs, into my room and hid the box behind a pile of thick books, tomorrow morning the first thing is to find the sender of this parcel. I sighed and descended the stairs, locking the door, I made my way ready to go to Mr-Grumpy-Pants's house. I hailed a cab and started on the fastest journey of my life.

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