Chapter 38- Intox-Intoxy?!

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Avni's POV

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Avni's POV

"Stop.", Mr Khanna halted my steps that were ascending the stairs of the basement."We forgot something, Miss Mehta."

"What?", I voiced out but of course this man, this man who I love with all my heart doesn't care to answer my question. I'll take the revenge from you, Mr Khanna, let the vicar ask if I want to marry you and then I'll stay silent just the way you always do.

"You won't dare.", he threatened, tightening his grip on my wrist and I facepalmed myself mentally.

"I said that aloud again, didn't I?"

"Do you want me to lie to you?", he raised his brow and damn him for being always right, damn his perfectly plucked eyebrows, damn his beautiful eyes, damn him for-

-being hot-shot.'

-always being attentive, can't he just miss out on my words for once.

"Everyone turn around.", Mr Khanna commanded and all the heads turned robotically except me and that creep because he was tied to the chair. He was badly bruised, I mentally praised myself for asking James to get him here. Ain't I intelligent?

'Stop this self-praising stupid.'

"Hurting her was your biggest f*cking mistake Vidyut. She's mine and no one dares to touch something that's mine.", Mr Khanna said and kissed me on my lips but for the first time I couldn't concentrate on how warm and soft his lips were against mine, my mind was busy in processing his words. When did I say I belong to him?

Behind me, Dywane growled or better attempted to. Why? Well, he ended up coughing. In normal terms, I'd have laughed at this but right now my mind had only one thing. I love Mr Khanna so does that mean I am his possession now? And the most important question -Will I be able to keep my feminist morals aside and readily accept to become his?

Or am I just overthinking all this, he wouldn't have meant those words in that way, had he?

Of course, he wouldn't have, he knows my stubborn feminist self. But I can't forget he's also Mr-Controlling-Chauvinist-OverlyPossessive-Hotheaded-Mr Khanna and that he practically ordered me to marry him.

"Miss Mehta.", Mr Khanna snapped at me and I came out of my little trance and that's when I realized I was now in his room. He locked the room and inched towards me.

"Did you just say I belong to you?", I asked Mr Khanna, my heart thudding in the ribcage. For many people, it'd be a useless question but I want to make sure that I won't be a bird in a golden cage, because if it'd be so, I may have to take few steps back. 

He slipped his arm around me and pulled me towards him. Heat surged inside me but I pushed the fact aside that his touch and his proximity was making me go crazy. Focus Avni!

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