Chapter 20- Revelations, Truth and a Command.

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*Mr Ivan Wilson on the side.(That's who I have casted, you can imagine anyone)*
*Hold on tight ladies and gentlemen, this chapter is gonna blow off your minds.*


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Avni's POV

It's 2:35 pm and my heartbeat is racing not due to the fact that there will be a press conference at 4 pm but due to the fact that it's him who's going to handle the press.

Right now I am sitting in Mrs Nina's cafe thinking about Mr Khanna's words. 

"Be ready at 4 pm Miss Mehta, there's a big announcement awaiting you.", his words were disturbing me. But more than worry about what he'll do I'm feeling angry, not angry, I'm raging right now. What does he think he is huh! How can he make all the decisions himself? Doesn't he have any sense that it's me who is involved in this case to the root? I know definitely, it's because of his chauvinistic nature.

Damn this male chauvinist!

Talk about the devil and his call shall come. I frowned looking at my phone's screen-'DEVIL KHANNA'.

"Yes Mr Devi", I bit my tongue to stop myself otherwise he'd have started acting like a devil right at this moment.

"Yes, Mr Khanna. What can I do for you now?"

"Leave these pleasantries and come to the mansion, now."

" I can't, I'm busy right now. Not everyone unlike you is free.", I snapped at him, what does he think he is? I asked his help doesn't mean I'll do whatever he says. I still remember where we started.

"Miss Mehta?"


"Don't test my patience and come to the mansion right now or I'm coming to take you.", so now he's threatening me. Back to square one, I see.

"Mr Khanna with due respect I told you I can't come but you don't seem to get the idea so let me rephrase. Do whatever you want I'll not come.", I stated and ended the call .

'Avni in fury and stubbornness, you said more than you should have.'

'You think that.', I said to my conscience, worry started to swarm in my head.

"Avni... darling can you please get a coffee for table 7?", Mrs Nina yelled from behind to which I nodded and indulged in my work.

Just when I was going back to the kitchen, shiny cars blocked the entrance of the café. I sighed People these days, acting all, as they belong to Mafia and gangs.

'Maybe they are from Mafias. Haye Avni you know I've heard Mafia men are quite an eye candy and if they are Italian then there's no competition.'

'I can't believe you are my conscience.'

' I know I'm incredibly amazing, unlike you boring girl.'

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