{Book 1 in The Never series}
"Marry me.", he commanded.
"What?", I shrieked in disbelief looking into his eyes that were absolutely cold and emotionless. Does he take all this as a goddamn joke?
"Let me rephrase. Be my bride.", he emphasized the las...
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Dear Diary
Another day passed and maa didn't talk to me. She stayed with me last night but as soon asmy eyes opened, she was gone. Why is she running from me? I wanted her after last night. I want someone who can listen to me. I want an assurance that I'm not alone, someone is there for me. I'm not blaming maa at all, I know she's dealing with the problems in her way, but I'm tired. I'm tired of fighting alone. I'm tired of fighting and above all, I'm tired of living in fear.
Why did Dada leave me? Why did he do this to me? Why diary, why? The man who was supposed to protect me from the world haunted me the most. The man who was supposed to hold my hand and teach me to walk pushed me to death. The man who was supposed to make me feel safe frightened me the most. He was the reason for my nightmares. For the scars on my heart.
I'm left alone without you Dada.
After 7 years I had a panic attack. Again! It was because of that stalker. When he pulled me by my ankle, I felt all those dark memories come to life, I felt suffocated, I felt an uncontrollable amount of horror. His one action triggered all the darkest moments of my life. His one action threw me in a pool of sheer icy horror. His one action made me remember the monster of my life, my father. Such an irony right, the man who was supposed to make my life heaven was the man who turned it into a living hell.
Not a single drop of tear fell from my eye. Great! Now even they left me alone. They were the only way to release my agony and pain and now they are unwilling to fall too. Awesome!
My phone rang, signalling it was time to return to the hell of a life. I took a deep breath before answering it," Hello."
"Miss Mehta I have been calling you since last night. What the hell were you doing?", Mr Khanna's icy voice fell on my eardrum and I internally sighed.
"Mr Khanna I uh I..", I choked thinking about yesterday, stalker, his claim, his lunacy.
I paused and so did he.
"Are you fine?", three simple words, just three simple damn words, but at that moment, it was the most heartwarming sentence for me. His voice was just a whisper, if it wasn't for the silence that was engulfing me, I wouldn't have heard him. For that moment I forgot he was my nemesis, but do I think of him as my enemy?
'Yes Avni, you do. He was the person who destroyed Dada's orphanage, he's just an arrogant, egoistic heartless block of ice. He hurts people without feeling a single ounce of guilt. His words can never be heartwarming.', my conscience reminded me.
"You've been crying, haven't you?", his words surprised me again.
"What happened last night after you left the mansion?", he questioned with sincerity.