Chapter 41- The Tragic End-I

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*Very Very Long Chapter!*

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*Very Very Long Chapter!*

Avni's POV

"That you are."

Blast this Block of Ice for making my heart fill with warmth again and again. How does he manage to do this? Never in my life had I felt so loved and I don't think I'll ever be tired of saying that I love this man.

"Mr Khanna you're becoming really cheesy lately.", I pinched his nose lightly and instantly he swatted my hand away."You're so cute.", I continued grinning widely.

"Miss Mehta.", Mr Khanna gave me a cold look, a look that screams 'Stop this or you see the consequences.' But he forgot he's messing with Avni Mehta and Avni Mehta never fears anyone.

"Yes.", I grinned wider and proceeded to pinch his cheeks but once again he swatted my hand away.

"Miss Mehta stop this right now.", Mr Khanna said in a strained voice.

"Stop what?", I asked innocently.

'Innocence and you don't go in a single sentence babe.', my subconscious taunted me.

Mr Khanna raised his perfectly shaped eyebrow that means he's going to say or do something which will leave me either horrified or shocked or better traumatised for life. Just when I was about to tease him more he slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me so impossibly close, all my teasing mood and the evil smile faded at once.

"Someone is being quite tantalising, huh?", Mr Khanna whispered in a husky deep voice that sent shivers down my spine. I tried to say something but words didn't seem to form in my throat." Cat caught your tongue my tigress.", his lips were touching my collarbone and that made my mind shut down.

'System crash!'

'Brain Crash!'

'You don't have that.'

'Shut up I can't think anything.'

'Stars do you have any place in that sky of yours, I'm coming.'

'Have you lost it?'

'You lose something you have, honey.'

His lips caressed my skin gently as if afraid I'll get hurt if he used a little more strength."You don't have anything to say now, Miss Mehta.", Mr Don't-Interrupt-me was urging me to say something. Miracles don't cease to happen, goodness!

"You are doing this intentionally, aren't you?", I said timidly. Goddamn! I'm a bloody feminist why am I trembling like a freakin' coward.

"Why would I do that?", he peppered feather kisses below my ear. Heat surged my body accompanied by icy chills. Hell! These things were not taught in my lessons on Thermodynamics. I need to sue my science teacher.

"Mr Khanna I need to see a doctor real quick.", I blurted. With lightning speed, Mr Khanna brought my face to his level and scanned me top to bottom.

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