Chapter 37- He looked C-O-N-T-E-N-T

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Avni's POV

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Avni's POV

Grinning to myself like a complete fool, I locked Mr creep smirk face in his own farmhouse. He had the audacity to kidnap me. Me? Avni Mehta. Hah! Idiot!

The road in front of me was completely silent and when I say completely, I mean it completely. It was a late night of course what else do I expect. I ignited the engine. I was lucky with house keys, the bunch had car keys too.

The air was chilly and I shivered slightly. Curse that psycho again! I should have kicked him more.

Bad Avni, You're not a violent person.

'Technically he kidnapped you so he deserves those kicks.'

Judging my surroundings I was sure I was away from the city. Now how do I go back? Damn it! I should have taken that madman's mobile phone too. Stupid! Stupid me.

'Finally! Finally, you realized how dumb you are Avni.'

'Shut up.'

'You know we should mark this date as Happy Realisation Day.'

'Technically if I'm stupid then so are you.'

'That's not true.'

'It is.'

'Now you're just jealous that I'm a genius unlike you.'

'Am I again arguing with my own self?'

'That explains how dumb you are.'

'Shut up.'

Cursing Dwayne for the umpteenth time today I started driving. I had never come across this road till the day and it was almost next to impossible to find my way back home but they say, God helps those who help themselves. My eyes caught the sign of a billboard.


I am feeling so lucky today. First I banged that maniac's head then I found car keys along with the house keys and now I found my way back. That's some luck I got today.

I'm coming my Idiot-Chauvinist-Khanna. I grinned to myself.


Dot 55 minutes and 23 seconds later I could see the buildings. Mumbai was not a quiet city even at night time. On the way, I got many signboards eventually leading me here. I sped up and in no time I was in front of two familiar golden gates. 

Ah How much I missed this igloo!

I quickly turned the engine off and jumped off from the car like a school kid. Why am I feeling so freaking exciting and that too to meet just a block of ice?

I quickly moved inside Khanna mansion and I was met with silence?


Where is everyone?

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