Their Favorite Thing About You

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A/N - Oh my gods, Artemis is updating and it didn't take several months? Wha??? What is this magic? It took a while but I finally got this one done so here it is. Hope you like it. If I accidentally used like she/her pronouns or made the reader seem not gender neutral in some way please let me know, I'm always worried I'll mess that up lol.

Kylo Ren-

He says that he likes how even when things are dark and bleak you still put on a brave face. But, and he'll never admit this to anyone including himself, he loves how you bring the old him out. You're the reason Ben Solo hasn't completely died yet, you're the reason that Kylo Ren isn't all that's left of the man you love. You keep him sane because of that. He would've been lost to the darkness a long time ago if it wasn't for you.


She loves how strong and brave you are. She admires you as more than just a significant other because of that, she hopes to be like that some day. She thinks she's not as brave because when she faces the First Order she's always scared. What she doesn't know is that you're also scared too, but you put on a brave face for her. When she compliments your bravery you tell her she's brave too, and she tells you how she's not brave, she's always scared. And you tell her how you're scared too but, "Isn't that what bravery is about? Facing something despite your fears?"


Your smile, when he sees it he can't help but smile too. Maybe it's because it's his way of telling that you're happy, and as long as you're happy he's happy. When you smile all he wants to do is hug you and hold you close and just cuddle, he wants to make you smile more, he wants to make you happy.


This might sound a bit creepy, but he loves how calm and beautiful you look when you're asleep. Unless you're having a nightmare, you're not burdened by your mistakes of joining the First Order, you're not worried about your family, your not scared for and of your brother, you're just at peace.


He's just... amazed by how badass you can be, he doesn't even know how to describe it, like what to call it other than how badass you are. It shows how strong you are and reminds him that you could dump his ass in .5 seconds and move on without your life changing much (that's at least what he thinks, you know that if you lost him you would fall apart).


Your kindness. He likes to say "their kindness is unmatched by any other person in the universe" and he will fight people on that. You're just so kind and gentle while he can be kind of scary, but you don't care, you still put up with him. He always smiles when he sees you carefully taking care of your garden, or playing with the younglings.


Like your sister, you are big on diplomacy. You can very easily break up a fight and help people reach peace, and he really admires that. And you're always so proud of yourself when you help make peace, it makes him smile to see you so happy. (Sorry Obi-Wan's was a bit short)

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