How They Show They Love You Without Saying It

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A/N - Hello everyone! Thank you again for over 800 reads and I apologize for being gone so long! Here's a chapter to try and make up for it, I hope you like it!

Kylo Ren-

So so so overprotective. If another man looks at you the wrong way then he gives them lots of hard tasks to do on the ship or finds a way to make life difficult for them. If they touch you or flirt with you then it's life locked up. If they do anything more then he kills them.

You find it sweet that he's so protective, it makes you feel safe and loved.


Asks if you've eaten yet today, if you've had any water yet today, if you've taken care of yourself properly so far. If the answer is no then she drops everything to make sure that the answer changes to yes.

Constantly asks if you're ok, even if you seem happy and nothing looks to be wrong, she'll ask you how you're doing and if you're ok.

She just wants you to be happy and she doesn't want to lose you.


He teases you. All. The. Damn. Time.


So many compliments. He'll just randomly stare at you while you're working and admire you. When you ask why he just says, "Cause you're so damn beautiful..."


Holding you tightly when you cuddle, when he's holding your hand, or when he's got his arm wrapped around you. He knows that you can protect yourself but he feels better if he knows that he's giving you a little extra protection as well.


Constantly checks up on you. "How are you doing today?" "How did you sleep last night?" "Am I being annoying?" "Did he hurt you?" Kind of like Rey, it's mostly because he can't kiss you or anything since he's a Jedi.


He lets you play with his hair, put makeup on him, and paint his nails. All while keeping a smile on his face. You aren't the best at those kinds of things so you ask him to let you try out things on him and he happily agrees. Seeing you so happy makes him happy.

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