The Silent Treatment - Ben Solo x Reader

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A/N - Hey y'all! I got my first request, yay! They asked to remain anonymous though so I will respect that. They asked for an imagine where the reader saw Ben talking with someone and she gets mad and ignores him. Sorry if this isn't what you asked for but I hope you like it! It's a little short but if you don't like it or it's not what you hoped for then PLEASE tell me so I can get what you asked for!

Ben Solo was your best friend in the entire world. You've basically grown up together since you were both being trained to be Jedis under Master Luke's guidance. You weren't quite sure if you were padawans or not since Master Luke was training several students at the same time and not just one. Either way, Ben and you had grown up so closely that you became the best of friends.

And it wasn't like he couldn't talk to other girls, it's just you don't like the way he normally talks to them. He was meant to be a Jedi for goodness sake and he flirts with almost every girl he sees! You were starting to get tired of it.

It was the last straw when you saw him flirting with one of your friends. You sighed and rolled your eyes, "I don't understand why he has to flirt with all the girls!" you told your other friends, "Both him and F/N (friend's name) are supposed to be Jedis. If Master Luke were here then they wouldn't be acting like that." You crossed your arms and started to pout.
"Oooooooooo!" one of your friends giggled, "Is someone jealous?"

"Jealous?! That's ridiculous! You don't know what you're talking about!" you yelped.
"Mhmm," a second friend said, "You're totally not jealous and you totally don't have a major crush on him."

"I don't! Ben is just my best friend!"

Your friends rolled your eyes but you decided to ignore them and glared at Ben and your friend that he had chosen to flirt with. You made up your mind right then and there, if he was going to flirt with girls and go against the Jedi way then you would refuse to talk to him. Until he promised not to do it anymore that is.

You didn't see Ben again until later in the day when you were playing with some porgs. You giggled and petted them as they waddled around while Ben approached you.

"Hey Y/N!" he saw beside you on the ground where you played with the cute little creatures.
You didn't respond to his greeting like you usually did though.

Ben laughed nervously, "Are you... are you ok?"
Still, you didn't respond.

Ben waved his hand in front of your eyes, "Hellooooooo? Earth to Y/N! Are you there?"

You refused to acknowledge his presence.

"You're... you're not ignoring me are you?"

You smirked but didn't talk once again.

"Oh no, please don't ignore me. What did I even do to deserve this?"

You shrugged while keeping your lips sealed.

"Don't shrug at me!" Ben complained, "You know why you're mad at me!"

You again continued to stay silent.

"Y/N!" he whined.

He boasted about being tough and 'manly' but when it came to you he was one of the biggest babies in the world, especially if you were hurt in any way.

Ben's mind scanned what he had done over the past few days, past few months, he even went as far back as when you two first met. He searched for anything he could've done to wrong you, anything at all. He couldn't remember anything though! He started to freak out, he started panicking and hyperventilating.

You didn't budge in your silent treatment though.

"Y-Y/N, please talk to me! I don't know what I would do if you just stopped talking to me!"

You shrugged.

Then, suddenly, Ben remembered how you always looked at him with anger when he talked to girls, how you always scolded him afterward about being a Jedi.

"Was it because I talked to that girl earlier today?! She was your friend right?"

You nodded and continued to play with the porgs.

"I'm so so so so so sorry!" he said, "You're right, I shouldn't flirt with girls anymore and I promise I won't do it again if it means you'll talk to me again!"

You smiled and pulled Ben into a big hug, "You better keep true to your promise or I swear to God I will never speak to you again."

Ben, slightly scared, nodded, "I will never flirt with anyone again!"

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