When They're Jealous

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Kylo Ren-

This boy is touch starved, let me tell you. Whenever the two of you are alone then he's all over you, he can't not be touching you. But when you're in front of others then Kylo refuses to touch you, his reputation and all.

The only exception is when he's jealous and boy does that boy get jealous often. Best case scenario, Kylo is hugging you from behind while he kisses your neck. Worst case scenario, Kylo is cutting the head off of whoever made him jealous when you're not looking.

He just can't stand the thought of losing you, the one person that had always been there for him. You always reassure him at the end of the day though that you'll never leave.

"Sorry Kylo, but you're stuck with me and I'm not going anywhere."


Starts pouting like a little puppy which makes you smile uncontrollably. She can be such a child sometimes if she wanted to.

You would pretend like you didn't know she was jealous, "What's wrong, Princess?"

She'd mumble something you couldn't hear.

"What was that?" You'd taunt, holding your hand up to your ear.

She'd mumble again, slightly louder but still not audible.

"I'm sorry, come again?"

"I said I'm jealous!" She'd yell.

You'd chuckle and kiss Rey on the forehead or cheek, "No need sweetheart, I'm yours and only yours."


He would just quietly and quickly hold your hand, looking for reassurance that there was no need for him to be jealous. You would always give him just what he was looking for and squeeze his hand tightly as you laid your head on his shoulders.


He gets so angry, starts yelling at you.

"Why are you flirting with him?!" Or, "Why are you letting him flirt with you?!" What he yells changes depends on the situation.

You'd roll your eyes and glare at him which scares him into quietly mumbling to himself while you continue what you were doing until you're done.

Then you'd kiss him and hold his hand, saying, "I'm yours and only yours, remember that."

Poe would put his hand that wasn't being held by you on your shoulder and nod as he touched his forehead to yours with closed eyes, "I'm sorry."

You would nuzzle into his touch and say how it was ok.


It had only happened once because your entire relationship with Luke was built on trust. He had to trust you or else you would probably have just been a prisoner of the rebellion.

After the war was over and everyone was celebrating at a party, you were talking to a boy who was obviously into you but you were oblivious because you were pretty isolated for most of your life.

Luke noticed it though and walked up to hold your hand before he whispered in your ear, "Hey, can we get out of here? I'm not really feeling it."

"What?" You asked, looking at him, "Why?"

Luke looked over at the boy with one of the most scared looks on his face that you had ever seen. You looked back at the boy to see him glaring daggers at your boyfriend.

You glared your own daggers at the boy before turning back to Luke and kissing his cheek, "Ya, let's go."


Acts kike he doesn't care because he jas to, as a Jedi he's not supposed to for attachments. But, when he gets you alone he cuddles you and pouts like there's no tomorrow.


He should act like he doesn't care because he's not supposed to but he can't help it. He may have more emotional control than Anakin but the one and only exception is you.

He tries to pretend like he doesn't care and if the "threat" doesn't go away after awhile then that's when he snaps. Instead of acting like an overprotective boyfriend, he plays the overprotective best friend card. He makes the situation awakened within 10 minutes and the "threat" is gone within 20.

You just chuckle, pat him on the cheek, say, "You're so cute when you're jealous," then walk away which, for some reason, doesn't make Obi-Wan feel better.

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