A Safe Return - Kylo Ren x Reader

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A/N - I got a request! Yay! Please send me more of these! I love them! The person who requested this used they/them pronouns in the request so if you guys would like more gender-neutral reader fics then I would happy to do so! I can't remember if in my other fics I've specified what the gender of the read is like if I used she/her pronouns or called the reader a girl or anything like that but either way I would be happy to do some gender-neutral reader! I would also be happy to do a transgender or male reader cause we stan gay in this household lol. Speaking of gay, you guys should request some lesbian Rey fanfic cause I'm in the mood for that.
Anywho, the person who requested this asked for a fic where Kylo was gone for three months with no signs if he was alive or dead and tons of fluff lol. I can do fluff, I love fluff.
There's a little less than 1,000 words, hope you enjoy!

You sit in yet another boring meeting, one you were required to go to. If you weren't required to go you would be back in the room you share with your boyfriend Kylo Ren. You use your finger to draw random patterns on the metal table.

Kylo notices your boredom and has someone bring you a notebook and pencil. Your eyes light up at the sign of the items. You grab them and start doodling. Kylo smiles and watches you doodle as he continues to listen to the meeting going on.

After a few minutes, you proudly present to him a picture of him and you, causing Kylo to smile more and kiss you. You smile in return and kiss him.

You continue to draw and doodle as the meeting progressed until you heard General Hux say something that made you drop your pencil.

"Kylo Ren will be taking his knights of Ren on a journey-..." Hux started, but you didn't hear the rest. Kylo would be leaving? Would you be able to come with him? How long would he be gone?

Kylo sensed your fear and put his hand on your back. He excuses himself and you from the meeting then leads you both out of the room.

"You're leaving?!" you demand as soon as you're in the hallway.

Your boyfriend nods solemnly, "Yes Y/N, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I didn't want you to be stressed out these past few weeks."

"I'm stressed out now!" you yell at him, "Can I go with you? How long are you going got be gone? What are you doing?"

It may seem like you overreacting, but when Kylo isn't around you have no one, no one to protect you, no one to care about you. You're miserable when he's gone. And what if he got hurt on his little mission? What if he died?

Kylo frowns, "I'm sorry Y/N, you can't come with me. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone, it might be months. I'm going to be spying on what we think is a rebel base."

You hug him and cry a little bit, already scared even though he's not gone.


Since Kylo had left, you had barely left your room. They didn't need you much for meetings so you didn't have to go to those very often. You didn't necessarily have a job on the ship without Kylo around. So, why would you need to leave your room? That's what you normally did anyway, even when Kylo was around. You would sit in your room on your bed, waiting for him to get back so you could cuddle and he could talk about his day. Some days you might feel really lonely or sad and you would follow Kylo around on the ship.

But, Kylo was gone so the only reasons you had to leave your room were for food and water and other necessities like that.

It had been three months since Kylo left for his mission, three months since you last saw the man you love. You hadn't even heard from him, you and the rest of the First Order had no idea if Kylo was even alive or dead.

General Hux tried to comfort you by saying that communication was just too dangerous to attempt on a mission like the one that Kylo was on but it didn't help.

You tried to stay strong in the past three months, you knew Kylo would've wanted you to be strong, but sometimes you couldn't help crying.

You were currently sitting sadly in the mess hall, picking at your food. You didn't feel like eating, you didn't feel like eating ever since Kylo left, but today was worse. You suddenly heard people getting up and running from the room, a hint of excitement in the air. You look up from your food to see what was going on. You grab one of the stormtroopers by the arm, stopping them from leaving so you could ask your question. "What's going on?" you demand in a forceful tone.

"Kylo Ren's ship just docked on board," the stormtrooper explained, a little afraid of you.

Your eyes widen and you let go of him, running for the docking bay. Tears of joy run down your face despite how many times you tell yourself not to get your hopes up. You finally reach the docking bay and see Kylo's ship, more tears coming to your eyes. You reached the door of the docking bay just in time to see the door of Kylo's ship opens and he steps out.

You can't help but let more tears spill from your eyes as you run towards your boyfriend that you missed so much. You push through several First Order members, pushing through the crowd to finally reach him.

Eventually, you make it to Kylo and when he sees you he smiles and you run into his open arms. Kylo holds you close, a few tears dropping from his eyes and landing on top of your head but you didn't care. You cry into his chest and sob about how much you missed him.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry, I'm back now," Kylo tells you, rocking you back and forth slightly to comfort you, his fingers running through your hair.

For the first time in three months, you finally let yourself calm down.

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