What Their Family Thinks of You/What Your Family Thinks of Them

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A/N - Two parts in one day! Yay! I hope it makes up for not posting in forever, I'll try to write more but I can't make any promises. I'll post parts as soon as their finished but my goal is at least one part a week. It might be more than that and sometimes it might be less but I will try my hardest, I promise!

Kylo Ren-

Leia loves you, you were the girl that kept her little boy alive all this time. You kept Ben around. How could she not like you?

If Han had met you, he would've liked you too. Sadly, Kylo killed him before you had the honor.

Poe hates Kylo with all his heart, he thought that he had killed you back when he betrayed Luke. He later found out that that wasn't true and Kylo had actually forced you to join the First Order but he still hated Kylo just as much.


Palpatine hates you but if Rey's parents had met you they would've liked you very much. You were the person who gave their little girl a friend when she had no one.

Luke trained Rey so he likes her pretty well. She was also the girl that reunited him with his daughter, the girl that made his daughter happy. How could he not like someone like that?


Finn has no family to have opinions on you.

If your parents were alive when you started dating Poe then they would've hated him for a while because he was a Stormtrooper. They would slowly start to like him though when they saw how much you love him.


You won't know what Poe's parents think of you because their dead but Poe thinks that his parents would like you.

We already know that Leia likes him. Han though, he loves the kid, respects that he was a spice runner and all. You wish he had more time to get to know Poe before Kylo killed him...

Kylo was a different story though, he saw Poe as the man who took his sister away from him. But, he also knew that you were happier with Poe. After you lost him you weren't ever the same until Poe returned. He doesn't know how to feel about your boyfriend.


Leia hated you at first but slowly grew to like you when she saw how alike you two were. By the time you arrived at Hoth, Leia was your best friend. Darth Vader likes you, you were almost like a daughter to him. Even though you left him to join the Rebellion, he still holds you close to his heart.

You don't know who your parents are so you'll never know.


After your parents died, Anakin's mom became like a second mom to you. She called you things like sweetie, dear, sweetheart, and honey. She absolutely loved you and if she was alive she would 100% approve of your relationship with Anakin.

Your parents loved Anakin when they were alive, he was your best friend.


Padmé loves him, even though you won't tell her out loud she knows you and Obi-Wan are dating. She also knows that he makes you happy. If he can do that, if he do what almost no one was able to do since your parents died, then he was ok in her book.

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