How You Realize You Like Him

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Kylo Ren-

You had always been in love with him, you knew that deep down. It was why you went with him after he became Kylo, you didn't want to be without him. You told yourself it was because you didn't want to be without your best friend but you knew... you knew deep down.

You didn't admit it to yourself until Kylo started ignoring you though. You didn't know why he was doing it but he was distancing himself from you, it made you feel even worse than you already did working for the First Order.

And don't think Kylo didn't notice, how could he not notice? He was beating himself up enough having made you come to the First Order and do things you didn't want to but now you acted depressed all the time just because he wasn't talking to you...


You met Rey when you were about 18, you took the bullet for her when you were 19, about half a year before The Force Awakens. You realized you love Rey a few months after you met her.

She was practicing one of the things you were teaching her while you watched, she was just... so determined. Trying to impress someone that wasn't coming back and probably wouldn't care anyway.

You hadn't met someone like her since your cousin betrayed your father.


At the same time Finn realized he loved you, you thought you were never gonna see Finn again. You didn't want to feel that again.


You weren't yourself without Poe. After you left Yavin you would still talk through digital letters but even then you missed him. When you stopped talking to Poe entirely... it drove you crazy, it's what made you so angry all the time.

You didn't really realize why until you captured Poe and saw Kylo torturing him, "That's enough!" You yelled, causing your twin brother to stop.


Same as Luke, you realized you had fallen for him when you randomly showed up at the rebel base Luke was stationed at because you felt like the Force had been pushing you towards him.


You were always in love with him but you didn't know that until you saw him for the first time after he left.

"Y/N," Owen said as he walked up from behind you.

You didn't bother to look up from your garden, it was all you had left. After Anakin's mom disappeared, you lost your only connection to your childhood friend. Mrs. Skywalker was like a mother to you as well, after she was gone your life only went downhill.

You sighed in annoyance as you watered your flowers, "What is it, Owen?"

"Turn around and you'll see," he told you.

"I'm kind of busy," you told him.

"Trust me, Y/N, you're gonna want to turn around."

You sighed again and turned around to face Owen but you didn't even bother to look at him when your eyes landed on a boy with dark hair in padawan attire. You slowly stood up and walked over to the boy around your age, you couldn't believe your eyes.

"Ani?" you asked in disbelief, blinking back the tears.

The boy nodded and you let out a sigh of relief. You couldn't stop yourself from running forward and jumping into Anakin's open arms, both of you hugging each other for the first time in 10 years. It felt like you were breathing for the first time since Anakin left.

Anakin held onto you tightly as he whispered in your ear, "I told you I would come back for you."

You let out a teared up chuckle, you were so glad he did.


Your crush on Obi-Wan started when you were little, about 10 or so. He was your best friend, one of your only friends, and he got you out of trouble just as much as you did for him. You knew you weren't supposed to but... you couldn't help but fall for him. It only got worse when he started getting hotter as he grew older.

You realized it was love when you reached 18 and your feelings hadn't left. It had been 8 years and you still had a crush on him.

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