Chapter 27

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Video - Selena Gomez - The Heart Wants What It Wants

Carter's P.O.V. 

It's been just over a month and a half since Lea's been gone and I never knew that loving someone could change a person. But as I stepped out of my bath and slid into a pair of black jeans, a black shirt, my riding boots, and black leather jacket, I realized that doing just that had changed me and the rest of the house. 

Even though the pain of Lea being gone was still there, we found ourselves laughing a little more, smiling a little more, and handling problems with a more analytic approach, instead of the barbaric ones we had before I brought Lea into our lives. 

After the transfer of the arms deals to the Asian partners, several of the associates had asked to be relieved of association with the organization in order to pursue other interests. The ones that left knew they were sworn to secrecy and what they would loose if any of them spoke about the former activities of the house. But, at the same time, they also knew that if they ever needed me, all they had to do was reach out and I would do what I could for them. After all, they had given me a part of themselves and sacrificed so much for me over the last several years, that it was the least I could do. 

I gelled my hair, ran the deodorant under my arms and spritzed on my favorite cologne. Darrell, Darrien, Tony, Lewis, Leon, Paul, Samuel, Miller, Lynx, and I were headed out to Insomniac. It would be our first night out since I took Lea there and we were all filled with anxious energy.

I had gotten word two days ago that one of Eva's former assignments had been looking for her for the last couple of years, and unfortunately she didn't fare as well with him as she did with me. Her body had been pulled from a river near Houston, her car riddled with bullet holes. I couldn't find it in myself to be anything other than indifferent to her death. She was, after all, the woman who cost me the woman I would always be in love with.

I stood in front of the mirror and looked over myself as I thought over the last few weeks. I shoved one hand into my leather jacket and walked out of the bath and into the main room of the house.

I was taking the R8 while Lynx and Miller took one of the Navigators. Everyone else was taking their repective bikes. I looked over the group of men standing before me and could tell they were all on edge just as much as I was.

"Is everyone ready?" I asked as I reached the door and looked back over my shoulder.

No one spoke, instead each one of the men simply nodded or looked toward the floor. 

I took my hand off the knob and turned completely to face the group, "I know this isn't going to be easy, so" I paused and took a breath, "if anyone wants to back out, feel free to do so."

Again no one spoke. I sighed and grasped the knob once more and swung the door open, letting the cool, early autumn air wash over me. As I stepped from the house, I took a deep breath and headed toward the Audi. I hadn't driven it since I took Lea to Insomniac. I lowered my head and blew out a deep breath as I put my hand out and lifted the handle.  

Darrell stepped up beside me and laid a hand on my shoulder, "Care for some company?"

I nodded and pulled the door open as Darrell walked around and slid into the passenger seat. I smiled softly as the radio came to life, the station still tuned to the one Lea and I had listened to as we talked that night that now seemed so far away. 

We drove in silence for a while before I glanced over to Darrell, noticing that he seemed to be studying me as I drove. 

"What?" I asked as I refocused on the road.

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