Chapter 23

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Disclaimer: I have no first hand knowledge of the workings of the CIA or any programs or technology that they may or may not have access to.. all references to such programs and technologies are purely a figment of my imagination :)

Carter's P.O.V.

I looked across the table and at the blood trickling from the gash on Eva's face. I had trusted her. For almost eight years, she was accepted and cared for by everyone in the house. She had worked her way up in the organization. Her dedication and skills were unique and she was flawless in her jobs. She passed every test given to her with flying colors.

And she had been with Trish as she took her last breath when Darrell, Miller, and I couldn't be. 

Eva had been given every luxury that a woman in my care could ask for - clothing, jewels, and access to an array of expensive vehicles. She enjoyed the clubs, the men, and the attention that came with being part of my world, of belonging to my organization. 

And she threw it all away and endangered Lea all for a vendetta I had nothing to do with.

"I want the truth Eva. And I want it now." I wiped her blood from my long knife and pointed the blade back in her direction, "Or that will be just the beginning."

"You really do love her, don't you?" Eva asked quietly as she shrunk into herself.

I threw my head back and gave a sarcastic laugh, "Why does everyone keep fucking asking me that?" 

"Because you've changed. In the past you wouldn't have given me the chance to explain anything. You would have tortured me for hours before asking questions, thoroughly breaking me so I'd easily give you the information you want, and then you would have taken me out back and put a bullet in my head. She has made you a better person Carter."

I paced the room. What she was saying was the truth, I would have not have been easy on her and I would not have hesitated to have taken her life.

But now I needed answers, and if I had to revert back to the bastard I was before to get them, then so be it.

"Don't tempt me Eva. Tell me what I want to know. Why do you think I killed your parents?"

Eva's eyes darkened. "I don't think you did Carter. I know you did."

"Your background reports all say that your parents were killed in an accident when you were a child. If you think I killed them, I want to know why."

I watched as Eva shifted uncomfortably in the metal chair and slammed my already bruised hand onto the cold steel table, "NOW EVA."

Eva flinched back, then recomposed herself as she began to speak. "I am a former covert operative for the United States government. My specialty was, is in technology and identities; disguises, cover stories, etc."

"So you could have taken me out at any point in time. Why didn't you?"

"I know my limits and you were never alone," Eva glanced around the room, "like now. You have Darrell, Lewis, and Leon here. They would never let me get close enough to you to kill you with my bare hands like I wanted to."

I kept my tone neutral as I turned the blade over in my palm. "Where does Lea fit into your game Eva?"

"Miguel was one of my assignments. I was to get close to him, get information on his activities and dealings, and then turn him over to the authorities. I was soon in so deep that I found myself questioning where my loyalties laid."

I scoffed.

Eva paused and looked around the room again before continuing, "However, before I could make the decision myself, my secondary handler ended up botching the job and blew my cover. I was able to make contact with my primary before Miguel got back from one of his personal assignments, but they told me I was expendable and to do what I had to do to survive.

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