Chapter 7

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Photo to the side - Dakota Fanning as Cecily Miller - Lea's Sister

Lea's P.O.V.

After the confrontation with Carter's mother last night, all I wanted to do was sleep in this morning, but thunderous vibrations had woken half of the house up before the morning sun had even had a chance to make an appearance. I had gotten up, still in my sweats and tee from last night, and started wandering the halls, thinking over what had taken place before I had slipped into complete darkness. I was pretty sure that I had dreamed the whole kiss on the forehead thing and hearing Carter's whispered words Dammit Lea. What have I gotten myself into?

Without realizing it, I had ended up in the kitchen with a worn out looking Mahalia. I helped the gentle woman with brunch preparations before she shooed me out of the kitchen so that I had time to get dressed for the meal. Once again, my clothes were laid out for me and everything fit perfectly. As I stepped out of my room, I was surprised to find Number Two, or as I was so rudely informed, Darrell, waiting for me instead of Carter. As we made our way to the dining room, I had asked Darrell of Carter's whereabouts and received a clipped Out for my answer. Darrell left me with the other guest as he turned and walked out, stating that he had some things he had to attend to along with Darrien and Tony.

With Carter and the three guys missing from the dinner table, I was subject to glares and stares that I knew wouldn't be taking place if one of the four of them had been there. I kept my head down and ate in silence, biting my tongue as the gossip about what I said last night flew around the table. The word was that "Boss was getting soft." That they "..couldn't believe that he violated two of his own rules." and "His frustration with her mouth and him not putting a bullet in her must be why he left out so early." and "surprised that Mrs. Stephens didn't do more about the blatant disrespect coming from such a two bit bitch."

I pushed back the tears and anger, knowing that if I said something or retaliated, I would only dig myself a deeper hole.

Once brunch was done, I hastily followed Mahalia into the warm kitchen and helped her clean the dirty dishes. We laughed, shared stories about our lives once more, and started to relax as we pulled out ingredients for cookies, brownies, and Mexican candy.

Mahalia sent me out of the kitchen once the desserts were done saying that I shouldn't be holed up with her all day. I had tried to explain that other than the gardens, it was the only place that I felt any peace, but she wouldn't listen. I pouted playfully and ran out of the room as she walked to an intercom and threatened to have Darrell come and escort me out.

I had made my way to my room and picked up Fifty Shades Freed and walked out to the gardens, ignoring the patrolling guard as he radioed Darrell to make sure that I was allowed to be at the arbor. Darrell had came out to the gardens looking frustrated, but after explaining to him that I needed the air and some kind of freedom or I would suffocate, and after pinkie promising the brute that I wouldn't run off, he hesitantly agreed to let me sit in the arbor and read, but only if the guard, Lewis, was within eyesight.

Reluctantly I agreed.

At five, Lewis shook me awake, informing me that I had a hour to be ready for dinner. I silently cursed the man for waking me as I made my way to my room and glanced at the bed. I picked up the fitted grey cocktail dress and matching heels, along with the accessories that were laid out and walked into the bath. I was really going to have to find out how they knew my size and where the wardrobe was coming from.

Dinner had pretty much fallen into the same pattern as brunch, but without the comments about Carter going soft as Darrell, Darrien, and Tony had joined us at the table. I was tired and I was getting fed up being the center of their conversation. We were in the middle of dessert with Darrell warning me to behave and me protesting that it wasn't my fault that some bimbo four seats down just happened to get a glass of wine poured on her head for calling me a slut when his phone rang.

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