A Quick A/N

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Hey my Lovelies,

I apologize if you all thought this was an update, but there is something that I need to let everyone know.

I have been so overwhelmed and humbled by all the support, votes, comments, and adds to reading lists for all my stories. I am also humble by all you Lovelies that have decided to become followers.

I have tried to keep up with all the notifications and have tried to thank each person individually for their support, really truly I have. I am recieving over 1500 notifications daily and unfortunately, I am having to make a choice between two evils..

1) I keep thanking each one individually and not write


2) I continue to write and hope that you all realize that all of your support means the world to me. 

I believe that option 2 is the lesser of the two evils, so that is the one I have chosen. I will continue to scan through my notifications and answer messages as often as I can.

I know that none of my stories, especially A Cartel Affair, would not have had the success that it has without all of you. You my Lovelies ROCK.. 

Until next time, much love,

Christie - aka smokeytex74

A Cartel Affair (First Original Draft)Where stories live. Discover now