Chapter 9

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Lea's P.O.V.

I slammed my door open as Carter turned and walked away. I was shivering, not because I was cold, but from the shear intensity of his promises. 

"Do what Lea? Put you on edge, intrigue the piss out of you, make you feel things you shouldn't? ...When I get back, I plan on picking this conversation up where I'm leaving it. Understand?...Oh, I think it'll work just fine." 

My body felt as if it were on fire. I reached up and let my fingers slide across my neck, taking the same path as his lips had. The heat continued to linger there, just below the surface but I would be damned if he thought that he could win me over by seducing me. 

"SON-OF-A-BITCH!" I screamed as I stalked to the bath and slammed the door open.

I spun around as Lewis and Leon busted through my bedroom doors, guns eye level and scanning the room.

"Seriously?" I asked as annoyance started to set in.

"Ma'am?" Lewis lowered his gun. "Are you alright?"

I threw my hands on my hips and watched my two guards shake their heads as I started ranting. They were in my room now so they could listen, whether they wanted to or not.

"Who the hell does he think he is? Bastard. He wants to play? Then I can freaking play." I tapped my foot impatiently, "I need to go shopping."

The two men sighed.

"Ma'am, don't you know that playing with fire only gets you burnt?" I  narrowed my eyes at Leon as he spoke.  

"You two knew what he was going to do. You and I both know I know you knew it." I pointed my finger in between Lewis and Leon. "You freaking owe me. And you can pay me back by taking me shopping, or so help me God, I will make your babysitting duties more hellish than I have so far. Do we understand each other?"

I had crossed the room and stood right in front of the two armed men. The uncomfortable and guilty looks passing across their faces let me know that I had, once again, hit a nerve.

"Ma'am, your not cleared to,"

"I don't give a flying flip." I cut Leon off. 

"Ma'am, you can't be serious."

"Do I look like I'm freaking playing?" I quirked an eyebrow at Lewis, "Maybe you should ask Darrell just how annoying I can be when you radio him and let him know you two are taking me shopping." 

I continued to tap my foot in agitation as I stared the two men down. 

"Ma'am, there are plenty of clothes in your size here that you can wear." Lewis spun his rifle to his side and swiped a hand down his face.

I took a step closer, my voice turning cold, "Who said anything about buying clothes?" I paused as his words sunk in, "And how do you know my size?"

The two men looked at each other, an Oh, shit expression clearly passing across both their faces.


"Um, Boss?" Lewis answered as he refused to meet my glare.

"Are you asking me or telling me?" I ground out. I was furious and wanted to know how the hell Carter would know my size.

"Telling you, Ma'am." Lewis's voice was beginning to sound as if he were a child being scolded.

"And how does he know my size?"

I tried to think back through the last week, to remember if I had woken up dressed in clothing different than I went to sleep in. I came up empty. 

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