Chapter 22

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Lea's P.O.V.

I had fallen asleep in Miller's arms. It wasn't something I had intended on doing, it was something that had just happened. The stress of everything along the new information he had given me was taking it's toll on me. I thought I had known what I was going to do once we landed, but now, now I was just as confused as before.

"Lea." I felt rough hands gently shake my shoulders. "Come on sleepy head. It's time to wake up."

"Uh huh, I wanna sleep." I rolled over and landed on the floor. "Ow, that freaking hurt." I rubbed at my tail bone and looked up to see Miller laying over the bed, a rare smile on his face as he looked down at me. "Don't laugh at me you ass hat."

"Well, I didn't tell you to roll off the bed."

"Yea, yea." I waved one hand dismissively in the air as I pushed up with the other one. "You know that's the second time I've landed on the floor of this damn plane."

Miller chuckled as I stood and sat on the edge of the bed, wiping the sleep from my face.

"Let me guess, the first time was when Carter was bringing you to the house?"

I thought back to that night, an array of emotions flowing through me.

"Yea. After he killed Marshall, I hid in an abandoned theater. I thought for sure I was next. He and Darrell kept talking about no witnesses. When he found me, he knocked me out instead of putting a bullet in me. I woke up in here with a massive headache and stumbled out of the bed, cursing him for all he was worth."

Miller reached over and brushed back a strand of hair, tucking it behind my ear.

"Do you know he broke two of his own rules by keeping you alive?"

I nodded, "I remember someone saying something about that." I looked around the room of the plane, "So, do you have any idea where the queen bee is taking us?"

Miller shook his head, "No, not for sure. Lynx and I have been calculating how long we've been in the air versus how long it takes to get to a few places that she's likely to go, so we have a few ideas, but nothing concrete yet."

I started to giggle.

Miller furrowed his brows, "What's so funny?"


"What did I do?" Miller furrowed his brows further.

"The way you just answered me all business like. I mean, come on Miller, I'm just me. I'm not some cartel boss." I threw air quotes around the last two words. "You don't have to be all formal with me."

Miller shook his head, "You know, with the way your mood swings are Lea, I sometimes think that you are bipolar."

I reached out and punched Miller's arm.

"Ow, what was that for?"

I wanted to laugh as he twisted his face in mock pain but I kept my face straight as I growled out, "I. Am. Not. Nor. Have. I. Ever. Been. Bipolar."

Miller rubbed his arm and hissed under his breath, "Sure you're not."

I started to reply but stopped short as a gruff voice filled the room.

"Are you two done playing around in here?" Both our heads snapped up to see watchdog number one standing at the door with his arms folded over his chest.

"Why does it matter?" I tilted my head and eyed the massive beast in front of me.

"Lea, don't." Miller's tone changed back to the one I was becoming more familiar with, cold and tight.

A Cartel Affair (First Original Draft)Where stories live. Discover now