The attic~part 1

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Zak pov~
I slowly opened my eyes, to my grandmother cooking in the kitchen. Very, VERY loudly. She has no idea how to stay quiet. Now I know why my mother never hears me. She lived with her for her whole life.

"Ah yes at-" I look over at my clock "7 am she decided to make breakfast." I said in a passive aggressive tone.

"One of my 2 fucking days I can sleep in, and my mom wants me to stay over at Nana's home, really mom, you didn't even make Sam come cause 'oh but mommmmm, I just want to sleep in my own bed after the 2 weeks at soccer camp.' That sounds like a you problem for going."

I rolled over to where I placed my phone last night "Ofcourse I forgot to charge it"

'I have no idea how this day could get better.' I rolled my eyes.

Then as I type my last letter in my password, I get interrupted.


"How fucking great."

I slowly got up, leaving the comfort from the warm bed. I placed one of my feet on the cold ass wooden floor. I placed the other. Feeling a shiver down my spine. The blanket that was wrapped around me slowly fell off, having a cold breeze from the slightly opened window hit the back of my body. I stood up, walking over to the door. I wrapped my figures around the cold door handle, and opened it, a loud creak came from it. Then I went sleeply to the stairs. One foot at a time down the old stairs, I could smell the food. she was a amazing cooker.

I wiped my eyes "God I'm hungry."

I made it down the stairs, to see my grandmother setting at the table, looking ready to eat. She always dose this, where she doesn't eat till everyone is down, which I was the only one there, so she just sat there alone. Odd old woman. Since my grandfather died she been more I don't know how to say this. Loving??? Or more caring to me. I don't know. She smiles and speaks.

"Oh Zak you look just like your grandpa"

I really don't think so, not even close, he was a ugly old man. Loved him. Just I really don't see anything similar. He had white ish brown hair, pale dark skin, green brown eyes, and he was fucking tall. But for my grandmother sake I nodded my head in agreement. She smiled and gestured to the set beside her. The table was one of those really round tables that are usually made of grant or other hard rocks. But this one was wood. I sat beside her.

She placed her hands on mine, and smiled. Eh kinda weird. I smiled awkwardly. She spoke.

"Oh Zak thank you for coming out I really need to see you, it been hard-"

I kinda just stop listening, I'm hungry and she just gonna be sappy. Let's not do thay crap till I ate. I graded the fork, and start eating.

'Lord this old hag is amazing cook'

After we where finished she start up again

"I'm planning on clean out that rachid old attic, I haven't been up there since I was a young lady, about your age a bit younger. So if you would like Zak. You can go up there and take as much stuff your heart desires."

I looked over to her, she smiled again. Dose that old lady only smile.

"Ya sure, I'll see if I want anything, pretty sure know where the attic door is, I'll go in there after I'm dressed, Nana."

I got up and pushed my chair in, and start to the stairs. Went up every step one at a time. I just want to go back to beeeeed. I reached my door. I walked over to where I was keeping my suitcase near the end of my bed. I looked in side, I can wear a blue hoodie, I looked around FUCK, I only packed a blue hoodie and I guess the white shirt I have on. Then I noticed I packed 4 pairs of jeans, WHAT THE FUCK AM I GONNA DO WITH 4 PAIRS OF JEANS, and there all black yay, I picked a random pair of jeans, and I got dressed.

I stood up and stretched, then before i forget, I charged my phone. I should probably put shoes on, I have no idea what can be in that old attic. I walked over to my blue white and black shoes. Covered in mud from that trip me spifey and Zelk went one, vurb mom said he couldn't come, ha what a mama's boy. Not fun a fun trip, spifey pushed me in the mud, no reason why just thought it was funny. Zelk just looked like a disappointed dad. To be honest he is kinda like a dad, just a tried one.

I put both on, and started to the door. Its right next to the bathroom door. It was red with a gold handle. Very different from the bathroom one, as for the bathroom had a bright blue door, beach themed. I walked over to it, I creaked it opened, and a load of dust just bitch sladed me. Have mercy, this is gonna be a mess. I walked up the very small stairs up, I looked over to the light switch I switched it on, then the smallest light in the middle turn on. THE FUCK. That did shit. I looked around there was a window in the back of the room, and boxes every where, but still about of crap out of boxes. This is gonna take awhile, fucking hate that my phone was almost dead, I really need music.

I start from the corner, there where boxes and piles of old ass CD and VHS, eh not really shit im into, I moved over to other boxes, full of old ass books, eh why nothing interesting yet, I probably shouldn't have hight hopes. I would say it smells like a grandmother attic, but it kinda is. I walked over to the other corner of the room, then I spotted in the corner of my eye, a leathered book, with intents and crystal. I walked over to the window of where it was, there was a coat of dust on it.

I read the title
Black cat,
Book of hell.
No authors name in sight on it.

Word count-1102

Very good for my first one XD 1k words I think I did pretty well to be honest, I really hope it was good. There will be a alot of drawing of stuff going on, I'm a drawer so yay. Well bye hope you come back💖

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