A note?~part 8

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Zak's pov~

I kept waking to class.
Mega didn't even explain he just left, like a dick head.

I made it to the door of the classes room and knocked, Fin opened the door, and looked me up and down, he just looked very confused at the book in my hand, I shrugged, he just sighed and made room for me in. I made my way in, I walked over to the set in the back were I usually set, the teacher scuffed.

"Zak Ahmed, are you gonna tell me where you were instead of being in class?"

"Ummmm. I- um- well..."

I was cut off by the door being opened again and it being the principle and techno.

"Sorry for interrupting but I came across techno in the green house, and not in classes, so I thought I'll just return him."

That fucking gardening freak just saved my ass.

"Come in techno and set down."

Techno came to the set next to me with his long pink hair, lookin like a fucking anime chick.

He looked over to me, and I looked over to him.
We just look into each other eyes, he became more angry at me- for zero reason. I guess my existence is why, I don't know I get told that by Sam all the time, that everyone get piss at me for existing. I now just make it my whole existence now to piss every one off.

Techno leaned over and grabed his backpack and grabbed some random book from his bag, it was a red book with some random gold French words on it, yes I know French techno kinda maybe tough me some- but not in the gay way, in the way of I was failing French and he just got so done with how bad I was speaking it in classes he just tough me himself, cause the French teacher sucked ass.

He leaned back in the chairs so the front of the chairs legs where off the ground, and he opened the book, he pushed his glasses up and started to read.

I moved my way over and I grabbed MY book, sounds odd saying that. I opened to page the last page I read last night and started reading.

What is a demon like thing?

There are demon like thing
And they also follow the same rules as
Demons do. Now demon like thing can
Be Animals or objects, but when we refer
To a demon like thing we are usually
Refering to a animal, as we don't send animals Out to the human word. But usually what happens  is one of our end ties make a animal
Help them find lose ends-

As I fliped to the next page I noticed that a note fell out of the book.
Picked it up and started to read.

To who ever had the miss fortune of coming across this book, I am greatly sorry. I have mixed up the pages which hopefully has lower your interest of finding out more about this book, I have messed up so many of my love ones lives with this hell book, the worst of all, was I Made my cat into a demon, as a test, the pain of hearing that has still scarred me to this day. I hope that this has lower your interest even more to stop reading this, I beg of you, you don't want to know more.


I looked all over the old paper to try to find a name, but I couldn't find shit. I just re read the note more, was the cat the person was taking about, sorin? Was sorin thire cat, so the book was right sorin was a demon, well demon like thing, he's only half demon? The person didn't say, hopefully I can find more-

And with the the bell rang.

I got up and put the note in the page I was reading techno looked over and looked caught off guard.

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