That stupid idiot~part 7

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Mega pov~

I woke up, I looked over to the clock hanged on the wall of the apartment I was given. Another day, more looking for untied ends.

I got up and made my way to the dresser which had a mirror hanged up right beside it. I looked over to the mirror to see my reflection, well my real reflection, 4 horns where coming out of my forehead, 2 biger ones on the outside and 2 smaller ones on the inside. I would say being a demon sucked ass, but over 50 years being one, you get used to having not to show who you are, with never being able to get attach to people. Which now is especially harder with the new people I have meet. I know they won't be with me forever, and I'm not supposed get attached but I can't help but smile when I get to hang out with those idiots, especially Zelk.

I wish I could be normal like them, and just live life as a teen again, and not have to keep searching and searching for untied ends, but I lost that, the day I was killed.

I can hardly remember that day anymore, which is a blessing I guess.

I grabed my green turtleneck and my blue striped shirt and throw it on to the bed, I took the shirt I had off and changed into my clothes. I made my way over to the mirror again, I closed my eyes and just breathed in, when I opened them, my horns where gone. I tried to brush the hair away from my face, but it just fell back into the same place. I signed. I wish I just died, and not have picked to be a helper, it looked better at the time, I could be I guess "alive" again in some sort of fucked up way. I wish I just died. This is more painful then anything I could have ever wished for. I just want to be with them, and not have this secret, I wish I never got picked to go to this school, I just wish anyone else did, why did Darryl have to let me. Why did I push him to let me go back to being a teen, this was his mission not mines.

I wish he had to feel this pain I feel,  knowing I could never be with them, or specifically him.

No no, no one should have to deal with this. I'm being selfish..

I walked over to the door where my shoes where, I put them on. I grabbed my keys from the nail in the wall and i grabbed my bag on a nail under my keys. I opened the door. There standing on the fence was Zelk.

He looked over to me, waved and smiled, his checks blusbing a bit.

"What's up pvp, sorry about being here with out texting. Just thought I would walk you to school." He nervously laughed. Brushing my hair from my eyes, but it was unless it just fell right back. I could feel my checks heat up.

I really can not deal with this right now. Not him, but just any one. I smiled and nodded.

We both started to head down the stairs. Neither of us were talking. We just walked to school in silence, which I aways do. so ya its usually just zelk talking. But it's nice hearing him talk. He has a nice smoothly voice. I look up to see his face. His cheek are all flushed. I smiled to my self. Dork.

We keep walking to school.

"Hey, so um- are you doing anything after school." Zelk said breaking the silence.

I shaked my head no. He had a relief smile.

"So do you want to hang after school?"

I shaked my head yes. With a slight blush on my cheeks.

"Awesome!" He giggled.

Fucking furry.

We made it to school, we headed for the doors near  are lockers are. We walked over to around Zaks locker, spifey and vurb are usually around there.

We spotted those brats. Zelk sighed. He made his way over and slaped vurb head and they started bickering. Then the bell rang. Zak look worried. He looked over to me, he asked if I could help him, I nodded and I started to help him with his stuff.

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