The moon~Part 4

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(I'm gonna reference to the song later in this part)

Zak's Pov~

I walked over to the car, and opened the car door, as I looked over to where I would usually sit, I noticed it, my sister. She was asleep in the back, WHERE I MAY ADD I SIT. Why the fuck did mom bring her, especially because she hates it out here. I rolled my eyes, and closed the door, then I walked over to the passenger side of the car, I hate riding in it. Cuase one TIME we got pulled over cause some fucking Karen thought a child was riding in passenger. I opened the door, I sat my backpack down first, then I sat down my self. As I sat down, I felt something wrapping around my eyes, I yelled like a little girl- it was so fucking embarrassing. I heard a fit of laughter.

"Oh my God Zak, you sounded like a little girl!!!"


"AWWW, is little Zakky e wakky mad, is he gownna- gownna... CRY ABOUT IT!?!"

Then she started laughing more, I personally thought she was about to piss her self.

"Wow sooo mature of you, I would think a 18 year old would act a little better, but really I most have high hopes."

"Zak, stop trying to act like a adult it really doesn't work for someone that's 5'5." She says leaning between the driver set and the passenger set.

"Fuck you..."

"Thats all you have to retaliate, hehe bitch boy..." She said leaning back into MINE set.

I scoffed. I really didn't need her shit right now. But here we are, to be honest I don't remember any time we got along, unless it was to make chaos. But unless it was for trolls, we really hated eachother.

"Do you know when Ma coming back?" Sam asked already sounding done being here.

"Can you just go back to sleep, I can't stand your voice."

"First your sitting, second you didn't answer me, when is Ma coming back bitch."

"I don't know, you go check if your SOOOO worried."

I knew she rolled her eyes, I heard her get up and crawl over to the car door on my side and open it and got out, then she slammed it closed.


I looked over to the oak door, to see her walking inside. I leaned my head back to look up at the top of the car. I closed my eyes, It felt like it was only like 20 seconds, but then I heard my sister VERY loudly opened the back door, I shot my eyes open to see less light, I looked over to the dash board to see that's it's 6:39.

'Was I really out that long???'

"Hey Zak, sorry I was out long me and Nana where chatting about fall break, and other stuff." My mom says in her sweet voice.

"Na it's fine Ma I actually fell asleep."

"Oh well that's good."

I heard my sister start talking, so I just kinda sounded her out. I looked out the car window to see the sunsetting, I looked over to the window to the room I stay in, to see Sorin, with a red halo around him, I quickly closed my eyes and re opened them, to just see Sor with nothing around him, just him, just my Nanas normal farm cat, nothing special just him.

'This is getting fucking weird, I'm happy we're leaving.'

I leaned over to grab my bag to get my earbuds, I opened the front pocket to see.... the book. That fuckin book. I moved it over to get my earbuds. I felt my mom start the car. I grabbed them and got back up, to see that the sun is almost gone, and that we are half way out of my Nanas property. I got my phone from my pocket and plugged my earbuds in, and went to Spotify. I opened my music list and played it on shuffled not caring what I'm listening to. The song that played first was 'you are my sunshine' is was a quiet sad song but it was sung in a oddly happy tone. I don't know, but the song aways opened something new in me. I looked out the window to see a crescent moon, I just stared at it. I felt like I finally found it like it went missing in some way, and now it's here. I looked at it, hearing in my earbuds.

"you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when sky's are gray, you never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away."

I fell back asleep to that song on loop looking at the moon, i felt a weird kinda safely and sadness, I have never felt this way before. But I don't know at the same time I feel like I have before in a way, that it just hasn't happened yet.

Word count-820

Hfhjdhdb IM SOOO SORRY, I was almost done and I was like FUCK, I'm not close to 1k sorry I promise I'll make it up in the next chapter, but I am referring to stuff that will happen in the future, and just keep in mind the song, cuz I will reference it alot and it dose spell stuff about the end- oooo spoliers XD

Okay bye love you, thank you for reading 🥺💖
Means alot, plz come back😚💖

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