What more do you need?~part 11

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Zak's pov~

Lya a couple minutes later after trying to see if there anything actually edible to eat on the tray, throw her "food" out too. Me and her also got on our phones, trying to pass the time.

It was about like 5 minutes later after all that happened I felt someone lean on my back.

"What's you doing." I heard a snarky male voice come from who ever it leaning on me.

"What do you need Velvet?" I said looking back.

"What?! I can't see my friend?" He said in a poorly fake sad tone.

"Aren't you usually right next to ant, what happened?"

"I can hang out with other and not just my boyfriend you know, but on that note he just walked in." Redvelvet said as he walked away.

I slightly giggled to myself, he's like a leech to ant, I would feel bad for him. But I know how that cat boy adore his leech of a boyfriend.

A couple minutes later, I heard loud ish stomping behide me, and someone grab my head.

"YOU ASSHOLE!" I heard zelk whisper yell.

"Hahaha hEy zElk.." I said my voice cracking.

At that point everyone looked up from the table and was staring at us.

"Zelk the elk what up homeboy!" Spifey said in New York accent now.

I may hate him sometimes but now he's gonna make Jake mad at him and not me, so I guess I can't hate him THAT much.

"Spifey what the hell kind of accent was that."
Zelk said now leaning on my shoulders.

"A nEw YoRk OnE." He said now just poorly trying to sound like a new York person.

I slowly stop paying attention to thire little scramble, and lost my self in my head again.

'So if I do eventually summon a demon, what would I do with it, and dosent that mean I technically wouldn't have a soul, and  metaphorically wouldn't sorin be jealous, HOW DID I JUST THINK OF THAT BIG ASS WORD THE HELL'

I quietly whisperer to myself "metaphorically"

Apparently it wasn't quite enough and Zelk heard it.

"How the hell do you know that word, I thought your vocabulary only had words from the first grade and under."


"I would argue with that." Harvey Butted in.

"TAPL!" Lya said through giggles.

"YESS ZAK BULLY TIME." Spifey said putting his hands on the table.

"Can we PLEASE not." I said in a pleading tone.

"I'm down to torment him" Lya said shrugging.

"I'm leaveing." I said trying to get up but zelk pushed me back down.

"Nope." He responded.

As he finished that word the bell rang dismissing us for 5th period.

"Yes I can zelk." I reliped in a snarky tone.

He pulled away from me, and rolled his eye. I got up and grabbed my bag, and put my phone in my hoodie pocket and was gonna leave till zelk grabbed the back of my bag, and pulled me back.

"Wait a minute dimond boy." Zelk said.

"What is it nowww." I said dragging out the W.

"We are not done taking about the you know." He responded, poking at my bag.

"What more do you wanna know about it, I thoughtI already told you stuff." I said pulling away from him and turning around.

"Thire alot more plot holes I need filled so wanna meet after school at the cat cafe?" He said.

I know how much he loves going there, he takes the idot crew there almost everytime it's his turn for a place to meet up at, but mostly he goes on his little "dates" with mega there, it's so obvious they're in love, its laughable.

"Fineeeee, I guees." I said again dragging my E's out.

He smiled and we both walked to class, by that time most the hallways where clear kinda, so we made our way to social studies, me and zelk share 2 classes together, social studies and science. Funny both start with the letter S.

We made it inside, zelk went to the corner where vurb was sitting, I made my way over to where Lya was setting. The seats are free pick. I just don't wanna set with vurb, motherfucker gets me irritated.

Lya looked over to me pulling out the chair next to her and placing my bag on the floor.

"Whicha you doin Zakky." She said in a baby voice to unset me.

"Why can't I have a normal human interaction with anyone." I said rolling my eyes.

"Cause your not a 'normal human' Zak you can't ask for something your not, your weird so you attract weirdness, deal with it." She said leaning back in her chair putting her arms in the air.

"I hope you fall." I said giving her the side eye.

"And I hope you die." She said, putting the chair back down, and flicking me in the head.

"Ow you whore!"

"Shhhhh Ms.Marry just walked in." She whispered to me.

I grabbed my forehead and gave her a death stair, and looked away from her.

The teacher came to the front of the classes room and started to ramble.

Sorin's pov~
At the grandmother house.

I ran through the tree's and bushes all the way to the tree by the cliff.

When I spotted the tree I looked at it, and slowly made my way over to it. Remembering everyone throughout the years that lived here, everyone kid, teenager, adult that lived here. How I out lived them all. A stupid cat can out live over 50 people just cuase a dumb person tested a spell on me, which in the end, killed her, and I lost her... The first person who cared for me. I losted everyone, I hope zak's different, hopefully he dose'nt do anything stupid like Xio.

I finally made it to the tree. I sat by the trunk of it, I looked over at all the trees. Imagining every possible way my life could have been. But in my tiny brain I know none of it can come true. I'm Immortal... For ever... thire nothing anyone or anything could do to fix me.

I wish I could be a normal cat... and just die.

Word count- 1047

yay I updated TWT sorry I hate writing filler- but hopefully updats will be fast

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