The Cafè~part 12

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Zak pov~

I got bored listening to her spew nonsense of the lesson. I turn around to grab my bag from behide me and got the book, why do I make it sound so creepy and eerie, it's a fucking book that can't do shit without me doing what is says. Like God Zak don't be one of THOSE people.

Then I thought what ever be that person Zak, be that person. I picked it up and turn around, and opened it. A note was taped to the page I opend too.

'God damn.' I thought, I rolled my eyes and read.

You keep opening this God for sake book...
You must be very committed, or be a down right dense. I can't stop you
By now, can I. I'll just try to stear you always from pulling a fatal mistake... that can never be undone.

Ah yes, can a dead person be any more creepy and self depleting, like God women you died I get it okay, let me read the book, or tell me what not to do, not just 'dOnT rEaD iT'.

I thought, well shit if this notes just gonna disappear. Let me take a picture!

I took my phone from my pocket, and when i tried to take a photo. It's gone. I LOOKED AWAY FOR A SECOND. What the hell, whatever I thought.

I went to read the page I open too, I'm no longer reading it in order. It honestly doesn't fucking matter! It'll just send me to the page I need, when I opened it, it sent me to different kind of novice spells.

There are many kind of spells, theses are great beginners for the dark arts.

I read on, let's see what my little mind can get up too.

As I was reading, I guess it happened again I lost track of time. Weird?

I get hit on the back of my head and I got shook out of my trances by Lya. Great!

"Yo dork which weirdo comic you reading now?" She said leaning over my shoulder to see what it is.

I quickly closed it and looked back at her. "My diary." I said clearly joking.

She pushed away from me and scoffed "what ever, be like that I dont care anyways." She said grabing her bag and leaving.

I turned around to see her leaving.
She waved and yelled "BYE ya loser!!"

I sighed, and grabed the book and put it in my bag. Shit now I need to meet up with Zelk and have to explain more!! Ugh!

I got up and the teacher walked over to me. "I'm so glad you're taking a like to read! Hopefully you can actually read the material I assigned!"

I looked back and said "ya maybe, I don't know I'll have to sit on it!" I awkwardly smiled her direction.

She smiled and pushed me out, and turn off the lights of the classes room. Ugh I hate her she is so noisy for nothing! She tried so hard to get me to talk about my parents divorce, and everything.

I walked to the school exit and Zelk was leaning on the wall, SHIT. I tried to quickly walk the other way but he spotted me.

"Yo Skep! Get you're ass back here!"

I tried to get away, but I felt his hand grab the back of my backpack and pull me back.

"Youre not getting out of this, I already got reservation." He said a bit pissed.

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