I promise I won't tell~part 10

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Zak pov~

Zelk pushed my seat away from under me, which made me fucking fall.


Zelk kneeled down so we are face to face.
"Zak get your ass up, your gonna need to tell me what's going on. Iike you promised."
He said standing back up. Crossing his arms.

"But we have clas-"

"Your gonna have to miss another class then. "
Zelk said clenching his teeth.

Ah yay more classes to skip, not like I enjoyed them anyways.

I got myself off the floor and zelk just looked at me very unpatiently. We made it out the door.

"So where are we gonna go?"

"I don't know, I just wanna know what's going on." Zelk said without even turning his head to look at me.

"We can go to the gymnasium, it's empty right now " I said, he still didn't look at me.

Zelk noded.

We keepet walking till we made it to the gym. He opened the door and let me go in first, we headed to the bleachers, and we ducked under them to where we use to skip class, when we were freshmen.

"So Zak care to explain what the fucks going on?" Zelk said leaning against the wall, the bleachers were centered to.

"If I'm gonna tell you, you promise you won't tell any one, Epecially Mega, what's going on."

"Ya, ya, I promise." Zelk said Obviously fed up.

"Okay..." I take a deep breath cause I honestly don't want a Mega killing me- that would be pathetic, especially it being Mega of all people.

"Okay So, long story."

"Hopefully it would be Zak." Zelk said.

"Book, demon cat, Mega, more book, and you."


"okay.... what ever."
I responded, rolling my eyes.

"So remember I go to my Nana's house every couple of weekends."

"Yes." Zelk responded.

"So she asked if I wanted to go into the attic and see if anything interesting, which there wasn't. Then near the window I found this book." I remove the book from where it was under my arm and showed it like a geek showing his geeky shit to like I don't know people.

"Ya, keep going I don't have all day Zak." Zelk said crossing his arms.

"Okay so, I took the book, and started to read it and it's about demons."

"So your reading a Non fiction, that's boring, and what that's Mega dream book to own." Zelk said a little disappointed.

"Zelk. Demons are real."

Zelk cracked up and started to laugh.
"Zak that's the dumbest shit I heard in the 17 years I have lived." Zelk said throw laugher.

"Zelk you don't have to believe me. But I would if I was you, if you want I have proof demon existed, and that your little mute crush is a little demon boy." I said taunting Zelk.

"Wait so your saying Mega a demon?!" Zelk said a bit surprised.

"Yes that's what I'm implying idiot." I said.

"This can't be true last time I checked we are the only "human" things to existed." Zelk said looking a bit taken a back.

"Zelk as I said, you don't need to belive me, but I would if I was you, cause if what I saw with Mega is true, your mute is a demon."

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