Oh that book~Part 5

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I slowly opened my eyes, I still heard my music playing. I looked over to my mom, She was still driving. I looked over to the screen in the middle of me and my mom. Are ETA (estimated time of arrival) is about 40 minutes. I looked over to my phone, I picked it up. I had a text message from, spifey, and techno, and the idot group chat. There really a bunch of dicks, they love to mess with me, they know I can't spell for shit, and they STILL MAKE FUN OF ME. I went to see what pig boy wants.

Technoblade🐷👑 (writer note:RIP)

Yooooo, nerd wanna play
Some minecraft.

YOOOO Zak I know your

Yq, I waz a zleaq

I went on to see what George(spifey irl name)
Had sent me.


(lol actually a photo from his Twitter)Yesterday 4:20 pm

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(lol actually a photo from his Twitter)
Yesterday 4:20 pm

Ofcourse that's what he sent, nothing important, just that. I clicked off to see other notifications I had, but then I felt my phone buzz, and I got a response from techno.


Sorry Zak I don't speak
skepetin, please text
In English.
Just now

W0U, srry dub3🙄
Just now

Zak for God sakes, I'll
See you tomorrow.
Just now

I had to be honest that last text was miss spelled on purpose, I knew he would get pissed off. I giggled at the thought of mad anime boy.
I went to see other notifications. Some from YouTube, not really anything important on insta besides some pics Fin posted on a look he did. Nothing interesting on snapchat just stupid shit those idots put on their story. I try to keep my notifications low. So really nothing I really missed being out, besides missing games, 'oh my games.' I clicked out of snapchat and turn my music off, and took my earbuds out to. I looked over to my mom.

"Hey mom, so what did you talk about with Nana?"

"Oh, about when you'll visit again."

"And??? When am I visiting again, why did it take so long?"

"You know me and your Nana talk alot she gets off topic very easily, but we both argued you'll stay for the week you have off for fall break."

"MOM!!! What the hell-"

"ZAK, Language."

"Sorry Ma, just really. Okay what about Sam dose SHE?"

"Yes Zak she coming to stay to, she also was a bit upset about it too, but your Nana needs you two, shes gettin up there in age. Shes not gonna love forever."

"Fine what ever, I'll live."

I crossed my arms. A whole week, i have spent longer just I really didn't what to. But- I looked down to my backpack by my feet, and grind. 'I can try to "summon" a demon next week.' Fun thing to try, it's not like it will work, and hopefully by then I have read enough to get to that part. I just lean my head against the window and looked out to the moon, planning on what I'll do next week. I slowly feel back asleep.

I felt a jolt and I abruptly opened my eyes, the car light where on now.

"Hey Zak we're here now, get up sleeply head."

I looked over to my mom and she just smiled at me. I un did my set belt, and got out of the car before reminding to grab my shit. I got my bag and headed to the door. I got to the front door, and waited till my mom got out, so she could unlock the door. My mom got out, then Sam did sleeply. They both made it to the door. I felt some one lean there head on my back, it was fucking Sam.


Before Sam could respond my mom chimed

"First, Zak do not use language like that, and second be quite, let's not wake the whole neighbourhood up, and third don't fight with your sister I'm tried and I know you both are to, so let's just head to bed."

I grumbled to myself, I hated when mom would use her mom voice at me.
I heard Sam giggled manysleevely behind me, in her eyes she won, but ohhh baby she'll regret that. My mom finally opened the door after trying all her keys. We all made it in. I ran up stairs before Sam could, and  went into my room, and just floped down on my bed. I missed being home. I got up and unpacked my backpack, and throw most of it to the floor, I opened the front pocket to see... That fucking book.

I graded it and throw it on my bed and grabbed my charger, and throw that on my bed to. I got up and went to my dresser to get into some more comfortable clothes. I pulled out a light blue top, and some gray sweat pants and got changed. I went over to my bed and turned my lamp on. I took my charger off my bed and plugged it in to the wall next to my desk. I then plugged my phone in.

I walked over to my bed and sat down and looked over to the book. From what happened with Sorin back at Nana's... I don't know just the book gives me the wrong vibe. Like it's not like Sorin is a demon or something like that, or that book actually tells the truth, that would be idiotic of me if I actually believe that book has any truth behind it. Really like "demons" that's a thing only crazy church people tell you and story you hear that are made up, or movie plots. Not reality, I leaned back on my bed, I rolled over to be face to face with "The black cat of hell" again that book just looks like a book, you would think a demon summoning book would at least look more evil not like demons do exist. I sat back up. I grabbed the book, and just dragged my finger across the book. Then i opened it and just start to read, very unlike me.

About rules and restriction they may have

"Unlike humans, demons or demon like thing have rules and thing they can not do on the human world. One of the most important rules Demons have is they may not, under any circumstances fall in love or having any deep emotional attachments to human, it will be a instant be removed, and they may never return to the human world"

I keep reading on and on till small sun rays where emerging from the horizon, but as I kept reading, the first part of chapter 2 stuck in my head. I have no idea why, it just did, there was no need for it to be, again DEMONS DON'T EXISTED. I rubbed my eyes and looked over to the clock it was around 6 AM. I have school in about 2 hours, let's try to get SOME sleep before I have to deal with spifey and vurb all day.

I placed the book on my desk next to my phone and turn my light off and i laid back on my bed above my bed sheets, I still can't get that out of my head. I feel asleep thinking about the book.

Word count~1238 word

Yay I finally finished I just didn't want to write this, it was like mostly filler and just didn't like writing it from the beginning- and I just want to write part 6!!!!! But finally done yay and I got to 1k words this time uwu

Thank you for reading and hope you came back💖💖💖

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