Test???~part 3

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Zak pov~

I looked over to the book on the bed side table, and looked over to Sorin, who is now sleeping.
I leaned over to grab the book, I opened to page 14 and started to re read it.

To check if there any demons like thing near.
This page will teach you some ways to see or check if you have a demon near, or something with demon like power. The test will show a red halo around the animal or person.

I re read the page of what to do again and again. This can't work. Right? I mean its still i dumb joke right, haha ya... I can check just in case there is a DEMONNN, but I would be stupid If I had high hopes, or believe if I see anything. What if i do see something. IF I DO, IT HAS TO JUST BE MY HEAD FUCKING WITH ME, there no way that demons actually exists, what if sorin has a red halo around him... Nooo sorins just a smart cat, not a demon. There nothing that special about him, he's a family cat, and only a cat, right??? Okay let's stop over thinking this crap it's making my head hurt. I looked back to the book and tried what it said. I hesitantly looked up to look at Sorin. My eyes widen.

"H-he...n-n-no... w-wh-why i-is the-there a re-red ha-halo around him..."

I scooted back and hit my head on the back of my bed. THIS CANT BE HAPPENING, NO, HELL NO. This HAS to be my head fucking with me, Sorin can't- HE CANT BE. What the hell did I get my self into. Okay okay let's try to be logical (ya skeppy TRY to be🙄🖐) here, demons don't existed they don't, my mind is just fucking with me, this is all just in my head, im just a dumbass gullible kid, the book just convinced me to see that. This is just a old book that some ass wrote to probably scare their kids, and I just came across a joke, right. Ya I have to be right.

I looked over to the book grabbed it and throw it on the bed side table. Let's just get some sleep I'm tried and I did alot today, more then I do on any other saturday, and this is probably all me being tried. But something in the back of my head believes that, that book over there is not a joke...and everything in it is true, and I came across something I should have never came across.

I looked up at my Nana ceiling, and just thought. What if- how- why me- any one could have found it, and me, a high school student. That plays minecraft and is failing all his classes finds that book, I look over to where I throw the book. Then looked over to Sorin then the windows, I try really hard to find the moon, I don't know why I tried so hard but I feel asleep trying.

I woke up to, not my Nana screaming at me, but... Sorin, I just looked at him and then FUCK. I got up and opened the door.

"Sorry about that bro."

He got up and ran down the stairs like a flash of lighting. Before I could close my door to go back to my sweet dream world. My Nana yelled.


oh ya- my last day here. I closed my door and made it over to my suit case.

"Oh fuck I totally forgot to wash my hoodie last night."

I walk over to wear my hoodie was, and placed it in my bag of dirty clothes, which is only full of dirty socks and my jeans I wore yesterday. I changed in to the other pear of black jeans I packed, then I pack my bag. Which was easy I only spent 1 day and a half here not really that long. I mean really. I walked over to grab my phone and charger, and look over to the book. I opened to page 14, and read the line again.

"The test will show a red halo around the thing.."

And thought back to Sorin... I quickly stop thinking about that, and grabbed the book and throw it in to the little pocket on the out side of my bag, I graded my bag and put my phone and the charger in my jeans pocket, FUCK YA I love dudes pocket lady I'm sorry- and walked out my door and looked over to the red door with that gold handle. Then I went down the stairs. My Nana looked at me with disappointment.

"Zak why are you wearing your night shirt?"

"Well haha I forgot to wash my hoodie and I didn't pack any other shirts Nan..."

She pinched the bridge of her nose and did that sound old people do when there mad or disappointed or won a argument.

"Zak i have some shirts of your grandfather's you can wear, I'm not letting you go out in that young man."

Eh- fuck that, first off I'm gonna smell like a old man, then look like one. But you know what I would rather do that then my Nan being a tool about it. She got up and went to this dresser like thing in the living room, and kneed down and opened it, and pulled out this light blue button up with the buttons being a gold ish color. She got up and walked over to me and kinda put it on my shoulder.

"Go change in the bathroom over there young man."

I gave a half ass smile and noded and walk over to the bathroom. I closed the door, then changed. I looked in the mirror.

"Ah yes exactly what i expected I look like a old man." I whispered to myself.

I open the door and my Nana looked and had this dumb ass smile on her face.

"Oh zakky you remind me so much of your grandaddy, aww just come over here."

I walk over to her and she gives me a hug, which is weird as for me being 5'5 and her being 5'10, didn't really work, my fave was in her chest which is uncomfortable less to say. I just back off. I walked over to the table and she did the same and we both ate what she made. It was so God damn good.

After we finished she looked at the time.

"Your mother should be here in an-"

Before she finished my mom pulled up in her blue mini van. I got up up grabbed my bag and walk out the screen door. I waved at my mother, she did the same.

"Zak go wait in the car, I'm gonna chat to Nan for a bit."

Ooh great we could be here for hours. I walked over to the car and before my mom walked in I shouted.


She looked at me and gave me a pissed expression, I giggled to myself I love messing with her.

Words count-1187

AHAHAH WAIT IM GETTING READER DHDHDHDH AHAHAH, I'm really happy you guys are enjoying my story it make me happy like really happy, thank you🥺💖
Hope you come back, bye bye see you soon

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