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I had no idea what she actually was, I don't know the type of person she was, but wallah if I would be honest with myself I just fell for her. I would wanna wife her. It might be the craziest thing ever, but I don't mind getting married to her along with A. Ashyam's Fatiha(marriage). That's the extent of craziness it got. In fact I don't mind marrying her right at this second. I'm sure she's the one.

So I moved closer to her a little bit, I offered her a smile. For the first time ever I got shy, seemed to me she was shy as well.

"Hey please can we snap together?" I voiced out putting out my phone and setting it up in a selfie mode.

She frowned a bit, before taking in my view, then she smiled. I almost furrowed my brows at that — not outta anger but outta amazement. I'm smitten by her. She's uniquely wonderful. Then I put on my best smile before snapping us together. She smiled so cutely, brightly, and elegantly!

I wanted to take more of her, I wanted to have so many pictures of her in my phone, but then once she saw me about to snap the third picture she quickly moved away.

"So...mhmmm..." I had no idea why I was stammering. I wanted to ask of her number, but then she frowned again and quickly moved away! I gulped down saliva at that. I didn't like the feeling of her not staying beside me. I knew I would have to get her number. I'll definitely get it.

We continued with the photoshoot as the bridesmaids got in separate cars, saying they would head to the dinner place already. And just like that my crush was gone!

The groomsmen continued snapping pictures along with the groom and bride, as the couple will be going together. If I said I was seeing anything beside Ilhan's face in my head, it would be a big fat lie of century.

She seemed to be the only person my mind kept dwelling upon right now. I've never felt anything even similar before. I've dated before, I've dated quite a few, but I've never felt what i'm feeling for her right now.

"I need to get her number before I leave the country again!"

I had no idea I said that aloud.

"Whose number huhn habibi?" Anas Ashyam asked, as he kept grinning wickedly at me.

My eyes bulged out at that.

"You don't have to know." I said a bit awkwardly before quickly glancing at my phone, trying to check something in there, thinking doing so would make him forget about it. And Thank Allah it did work!

I went back to my car and waited as they continued taking shots, then some of the groomsmen moved few steps away from the couple, as it was time for the couple shoots now, and I've been viewing them from my car.

I was waiting for them to be done so we could go to the event place as I don't even know the place, I had no card with me, so no way I would know the place except if I ask. And I won't! I mean i'm not ready to.

Minutes passed and I watched as the couple slowly made it to their car, followed by the groomsmen gotten in their's too. I joined the convoy. And slowly we made it to the dinner place.

Once there, the entrance was dope. I kept looking for Ilhan, whether I could see her, but I couldn't find her. I knew I needed to get her off my mind if I wanted to concentrate, but no way! Guess I couldn't. Then I viewed her from afar, talking to someone, I took a step trying to go to her when I saw her quickly rose phone to her eye level, then she frowned her brows a bit before tapping her phone away. The next thing I saw she had her phone glued to her ear, then she walked far away to where they weren't a lot of people, oh my God she's hot! I mean cutely hot! I think I need to tell Zee about her! Or maybe not, I guess that's not a good idea!

The thing is among all my siblings i've never been so close to any of them as I was with Zee. I mean she's my sibling as well yeah?! She's really close to me. In fact I make sure I gist her up about anything in my life, though most at times she never had my time, being the book worm she is, but even that I know i'm among the few she spares time for in that household. To her it's either reading or nothing. Though lately she'd been trying to break out of her shell; trying to attend a wedding tonight is a great example.

Zee is so different from the rest of us, we love having fun, but even though she does have fun, it's not to a great extent. For example even if we have to go on a family trip to a foreign land, Zee will make sure she carries her books, and when she reach there, if everyone is buying perfumes, jeweleries, and a whole lot of unnecessary stuff, Zee would be buying books!

How can I get Ilhan's number now? Oh my God!

After everyone danced away their hearts, it was then time for some refreshment. I ate moderately, not because I didn't want to eat to my fill, but because no matter how much I love food, I just can't eat much. And i've always been that way ever since I can remember. Besides I could only eat the basmati among whole lot of different dishes that were served, and even so I couldn't combine it with the salad due to personal reasons. I only had the basmati and water. 

Once the groom and bride were dancing, I and rest of friends got up and started spraying them money as 'Fatima Masara ce' came blaring through the speaker. Actually this song was originally 'hop in my maserati' but literally everyone now call it 'Fatima masarace' as far they are members of 'northern hibiscus class' on Instagram. So funny how I've been a member. Not everyone knows I've been one, because I've always been the low-key type on media.

I don't even think my account got more than 20 followers. Because that's just how I play my game. I hate being the topic of discussion. And believe me everything about me is one way or the other 'a topic of discussion' ; the kinda stuff social media will get snouty about! Every single thing!

So the story is there was this voice note sent to the class, of a guy asking his friend to please tell him the name of that song that the singer was saying, 'Fatima masarace' and it ended up being the joke of century. I mean who wouldn't laugh at that? Lol!

Finally I finished up spraying the 1k bundle note, then I got back to my seat, as I watched everyone dancing and having fun.

Then i viewed her again! It was Ilhan again! Dancing her heart away as well.  And just like that I found myself smiling.

I wish i'll get her number!

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