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I was bracing myself up for the worst! But I mean what sort of life is this?! I hardly met her for a week, why do I feel whole of me is gone?! But that's not the only thing circulating in my brain right now. I was thinking of the exact time the incidence happened.

It must have been not long after I left her house. I could have been a part of it too! But I would have preferred being a part of it as well! Because what i'm feeling right now, no word can explain!

"We've tried our best, but she's partially paralysed now. Her own case is called paraplegia; paralysis of the lower half of the body, caused by gullain barre syndrome which is an autoimmune disorder. It will be best to cut off her legs for now, so it won't affect her upper organs. And that's a sum of 200 million naira. And at same time we can't do that till with the consent of either of her parents or any of her guardian."

That was the doctor. Before I could say a word he quickly added, "a guardian old enough!" Wow he was really saying that on my face. Totally referring to me.

The thing is i'm still finding all of this hard to believe. I mean it had just been hours since I saw Ilhan fine, and now getting to hear all of these things about her is hard to believe.

"Now where can we get such amount of money? Doctor please help us! Please save her!" Her sisters cried.

"200million naira! That's a huge amount of money!" I heard Aisha voiced out before taking slow steps back till she hit the wall with her back. I was only observing all of them now.

"Aisha let her mom know please. You can call her mom now and let her know of the situation." I said. Aisha nodded at me before doing as I said.

A few after, I saw fresh tears cascading down Aisha's face and I felt so guilty, then I watched her holding her phone firmly and typing out some thing.

I couldn't believe what's happening around me, how things have changed in the slightest second. I couldn't believe we are now discussing over the matter of cutting off Ilhan's legs. The Ilhan I met not long ago! The girl that made me feel things that not any other girl ever made me feel before!

I walked towards Aisha and stood beside her, "what are you doing?" I asked.

"Raising a donation campaign." She called out, as she used her left hand to wipe away the tears on her face.

"You don't have to do that."  Because she gotta be in Germany tonight! I wanted to add but didn't. But I knew no way I would allow them cut her legs off like that.

I walked outside to make a call, I called one of my dad's men. That's the only one among them who's the most loyal to me. The rest were all on for dad. I asked him to process everything needed for Ilhan. And by everything I mean all the documents needed, including visa and passport. I didn't even have her picture, the only one I got was the one I snapped us on the wedding night and no way it'll work out that way. But I knew they must be a solution out there to process her documents! If not I don't even care if I get her in to Germany illegally! I really don't! I just want her healed.

"Aisha there's really no time. Call her mom, let her know of this and please I wanna talk her up as well!" I said once I get back from making call.

I watched as she dialled her up and explained things to her before saying, "mummy Saif wants to talk to you. The guy Ilhan and I were talking to you about the other day. He's here in the hospital with us."

I proceeded to take the phone as Aisha handed me her iPhone. I collected, putting it at ear level. My heart was banging loudly. I was about to talk to Ilhan's mom and it's making me so restless! It's making my heart beats faster!

"Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah." I heard her voiced out from the other side.

"Waalaikumussalam warahmatullah. Good evening ma!"

"Evening how is she?" She said, though I didn't know how her voice sounded originally, I could tell she was so restless and in pain.

"She's good Inshaa Allah. My name is Saif. And I want to help with all I can. I don't want what they suggested. They told us of her condition that Aisha told you about. They talked about 200 million naira. But that's not an issue. When  I said I want to help, i'm ready to do that with all I can, both physically and financially. So I got a jet with me now and i'm ready to take her to Germany, i'm sure they can do something great there. They can help secure her legs by God grace. But if you ain't comfy with Germany then there's places like India, Egypt, Jordan or Saudi Arabia that you can choose from. And i'm sorry for what happened."

I waited to hear what she would say but nothing came!

A minute passed and that's when I heard her cries! Ya Allah she can't be crying!

"I don't know what to say! I don't know how to thank you! I can't thank you enough!"

I couldn't voiced out anything after, I just remained silent.

I kept on hearing her thanking me and oh how I wanted her to just stop. I didn't want her to thank me and Allah knows that!

"So...m..." I found myself voicing out, I wanted to call her name — the name I heard Aisha calling her with, but I wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do. Could I call her mom? Should I do that?

"So Mom where are you the most okay with?" I found myself asking.

"Son i'm okay with anywhere. I could only thank you. Besides among all the places you've listed I only know of the blessed country and nowhere else." She said referring to Saudi Arabia.

I found myself nodding my head, as if she would see.

"And when will you make it here mom?" I asked again.

"Inshaa Allah in two hours or less. I'm almost there. I would now talk to her father about everything you said and get back at you through this line. Thank you so much." By now she was no longer crying, but I could still say her voice sounded adenoidal.

Then my mind drifted back to Ilhan, I could only imagine the pain she's going through! Having paralysed leg plus the doctors all on for it to be cut off. How painful could that be? Even thinking of it makes me feel sick! Like so sick!

Now remain the battle with dad. But I know I won't have much problem with him, as far I was going back to Germany; my country of study. He loves helping people that i'm so sure he won't have any problem with me trying to give out a helping hand.

My plan was to go along with Ilhan's family in the PJ I was going to school with. Then after Ilhan is okay I can finally get a flight for them so they could return safely!

Published on Friday 13th August 2021.

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