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It's been a month ever since we got in Germany, and though Ilhan wasn't entirely healthy, I was sure there was an improvement. I mean it's a fact there is. Alhamdulillah.

She could now seat on a wheelchair. She could talk, she could do any other thing, just that her legs — though ain't anymore paralysed — ain't functional like a normal person's either. But Alhamdulillah.

I've been a bit serious with my studies as well, as I normally drop at the hospital every morning, to ask if they needed any thing, even when she got in a two weeks comma I was still coming every morning, then I would come in the evening or at night, on the day I got a bit late like if I got studying to do, like having school seminars to attend to and all. But her family have all the while been here with her and they treat her so fine that i'm a bit jealous. No! I'm kidding! I love the bond existing between them all.

Today I came quite early, because in an hour I got stuff to do. I know if I haven't come I might not come at all, till later in the evening. And I don't want that! Seeing her had kinda become an obsession to me; an obsession to keep my day going!

I was already in the lounge leading to their room, to my surprise I saw a specific view that made me squints my eyes, then I began smiling at that.

I proceeded to the place and continued walking graciously, I couldn't reached there when I noticed them noticed me.

It was Nana that turned around smiling at me, "Saif you're already here!" She called out from afar smiling widely at me.

I smiled back and gently nodded. Then I finally reached towards them.

"Good morning Saif!" Nana greeted.

"Morning Nana. How's your day I can see she's here to get some fresh air?" I said gesturing to Ilhan that was sitting on her wheel chair smiling shyly.

"Yeah she actually needed some cool views. She got tired in there because she woke up quite early today." Nana said happily.

"Good morning Ilhan." I greeted her shining my 32 out!

She ducked her head down before smiling a bit, then a sneeze escaped from her.

"Alhamdulillah!" I heard her say.

"Yarahmakallah!" I said.

"Yahdikumullah wayaslihu balakum!" She said out.

"Sorry!" I added.

"Yeah! Thanks! Cold grasped me." She said looking at the floor, as she dipped her hands under the small blanket she had covering up her legs.

"Eyyh I'm sorry about that!"

"So why did you do it?" She finally asked. My brows squeezed and I shot them up, I glanced over in search of Nana before realising she had decided to vanish away from the place, I mean when did she even leave here? I had no idea!

"You asked them to tell me it's Aisha's dad that sponsored everything. All this while you've been coming here and you know it's you and no one told me. Why is that Saif?"

I gulped down a saliva as my Adam's apple kept bubbling up and down.

Then I released a sigh. "I didn't want you to find out." That's the only thing I could say.

"But I did find out." Then she released a sigh.

"So Saif why did you do it?" She asked again. But even though I got what she meant I had to act like I didn't.

"Did what?"

Then she smiled before closing her eyes, she widened them and said, "paid for my medical care. Why did you do it?"

I found myself smiling at that. But I know even if I tell her of my reason she can't ever get it.

"It's something I could do for anyone. You needed help and Allah helped you through me. It's simple." I said. Then I watched as she smiled and looked to the floor.

"Tell me how do I thank you? Tell me the perfect way to thank you." She said and I just shrugged.

"You don't need to thank me."

I was on a call with Aisha last night, she asked of you. She was telling me how even with an allergy back in the hospital you were crying asking them to take your own blood." She chuckled at the end.

"Don't tease me!" I said out rolling my eyes. It wasn't nice of Aisha to tell her that.

Aisha was still in Nigeria. We came to Germany with only Ilhan's mom, Ilhan and her two siblings mamaji and Nana. So obviously they had a call and she talked her up about it.

"Why would Aisha told you about me?" I said gritting my teeth in joke. I was just embarrassed that Ilhan knew I cried.

"She doesn't know what happened between us. I haven't told her yet. I haven't told anyone yet!" She said.

I felt something piercing through my heart at that. I don't know why, but I hated how she casually voiced it out, like it was the simplest thing ever.

For a moment my mind drifted back to the memory, and my heart twitched in pain but I had to shrug it off and forced out a  smile.

"I'm really sorry Saif."

I hope she doesn't read mind?! Because what the freaking mangoes?!

I smiled, "it's in the past anyways. And please don't ever apologise for choosing your mind."

Published on Saturday, 14th August 2021

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