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I sighed, "it's not gonna work dad."

"And you don't wish me to help you with that?"

I smiled at his kind gesture, "I only needs time to figure things out."

He nodded tactfully at me, "you keep in touch, and fear Allah wherever you are son! Wallah that's the only way to succeed in this dunyah."

"Thank you so much. I almost forgot to tell you, i'll be working with Volkswagen while i'm there."

Once I said that I kinda felt bad over serving a different company from my father's!

"I promise to come back here one day and run the family business!" I genuinely assured him knowing it was a promise for me to fulfill.

"I know Saif. I know. May Allah guide you. One more thing you should know is whatever is meant to be, will be, no matter the donkey years."

I genuinely smiled at him, before shaking hands with him as he embraced me in a hug, that's when he noticed my flight ticket and I watched as he furrowed his brows at me once we broke the hug.

"I wanna get a public ride, it will easily get my mind off stuff!" I explained.

He nodded before smiling and that was it. That was a goodbye for us. Then I moved on to tell my step mom and her daughters a genuine goodbye before getting in one of the Rolls Royce in the house to get me to the airport along with a driver.

Good bye Nigeria! Never hoping to see you soon!

2 years later

"How many stake holders will that be?"

"About 12 Sir."

"And who will be of utmost importance to us among them?" I adjusted my glasses, taking a look at the files one of my colleagues handed me, we were working on a project that requires sorting out all the stakeholders of our company. Work has been quite hectic plus I always try to make sure everything goes in as planned.

"Hey Mr. Saif!" One of my colleagues, Roselle, called from her seat, she got up and shuffled towards me with some files as well, "I think you need to see this. I have been designing this new Volkswagen 4800 model and I feel like the wheels adjustment should be at least 55m and it just doesn't make any sense pertaining the moderations our company usually put off all the time," she cheered.

"So why are you acting too girlish for my liking as you said all that?" My other colleague I was talking with earlier on told her. He usually say everything as it is. He doesn't know anything about hiding things and being nice. For him he always states out whatever it is he observed, resulting in embracing people all the time, especially girls.

She rolled her eyes, "I did not. Besides haven't you seen me winning the world beauty pageant countlessly? And every single person I know in this life ends up liking me, but definitely not Mr. Saif, which made me thinking looks haven't made it to the list of his ideal woman," she said in her thick american accent. She's half Indian, half Philippian raised up in the U.S. She's an awesome colleague of mine that's so enthusiastic.

I only kept smiling at them as they made light out of the difficult situation we were in. I'm literally freaking out earlier on, but they don't seem to view it as hard as I thought it was.

"Well I'm someone you know in this life too, but I don't see me liking you," my colleague told her the raw truth.

"That's because I dumped you," she cheered again, and he rolled his eyes. I couldn't hold it anymore, I had to laugh. It's actually true that she dumped him i've heard.

"Anyways Mr. Saif what's on your top list of an ideal woman? I can't help but wonder."

"How about work first?" I asked starting to take a look at the file she handed me and handing my other colleague his own as we are done with it.

"How about my question first?" She asked.

"I don't have."

"Can't buy!"

"Well, a beautiful woman," I just said.

"But i'm beautiful."

I had to smile at that. She wouldn't get it. She might have won the world beauty pageant but to me there'll always be one woman in my life who's worthy of that crown. If i'm allowed i'll even snatch it away from this woman infront of me and hand it to the rightful owner that deserves it in my eyes!

"You know when boys act this way, it only means one thing; they got another woman they fancy, who's either not equally interested or they feel so scared to lose, hence can't approach."

I didn't know why I loved her words, maybe because it somehow appeared to me as the truth.

"Maybe," I said, shrugging and adjusting the files on my table for a better view. "Now let's focus on work!"

Today's work been crazy, fun and tiring at the same time. I just got in my apartment. I walked towards a specific closet and surveyed it. I felt a lone tear cascading down my right eye over what I just examined.

It's been two years ever since I left Nigeria. I never thought I would end up going back after two years. But today I just needed to be there. It's our wedding after all!

Zee is getting married, and no, I can't be absent, unless it's cool for the groom to be absent. Unless I want the bride to skin me alive, right?

Published wed, 8th September, 2021

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