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Once I reached home and parked the car in the drive in, I noticed my legs could barely carry me. So I placed my feet back in the car and proceeded to drive it to the very entrance leading to the main house, even though it's a no go area for cars. When I alighted the car it's like a million bulldozers were placed on my head, it was so hard, so difficult and so painful! My head was really hurting bad! I wasn't even seeing straight, I was dizzy and my legs were wobbly. I tried opening my eyes to see the entrance and I could only see like four doors, which means it's appearing twice in my eyes. That's when I heard a faint voice of one of the maids, I was sure it wasn't any of my sister's, I heard her saying sorry at same time trying to hold my hand to drag me inside. I faintly told her no, "get my mom or any of my sisters," I managed to voice out, before pressing my hand on one of the pillars and resting my head on it.

"Saif what's wrong?"

It hasn't been long when I heard one of my step sisters talking.


Then I heard Zee's worried voice. They were both worried. And with their help I was ushered in to my room.

A while later I felt the doctor asking me some questions, but before that I felt someone trying to get water in to my mouth. I bet the doctor was rushed here.

Originally there's a doctor who resides in this mansion as well, only responsible for father though, and sometimes Zee, even if it's a headache she got, then nobody else! But today I could hear his voice asking me some questions. Finally I got him to check me up as well. Not that i'm jealous of Zee but sometimes I just don't like the extras she's getting from our father! But maybe i'm just thinking stuff! 


I released a sigh before trying to open my eyes, then I tried to seat up feeling the headache gone.

"Careful there!" I heard a voice said.

That was Zee though! What must she be doing in here?

I didn't lay back, I just scrutinised the room till I found where she's at and realised she's the only one in the room.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I scrutinised the room again and my whole body as well, noticing the drip in my hand and the saline water that's been hanging down from a rhetort stand which was almost done.

"You've been here just because i'm receiving this? For how long? What's the time right now?" I asked.

She only smiled and shrugged. Then she sighed, "Alhamdulillah you are fine. Look at you talking normally! It's 5 in the evening."

"Ain't you hungry?" She asked.

I shrugged knowing even if I was I couldn't get it, as i'm receiving a saline water and nobody eats when that's happening. Besides, I don't even feel like it, i've lost appetite.

She sighed, "you have no idea how much you've scared me..." Her voice hitched when she started to cry.

"Hey Zee! I'm sorry! Stop crying!" I begged, but she wasn't listening, "please stop crying, i'm really, really, really sorry Zee," I finally said, she would get me all worried up again. I hate seeing her in tears.

"You were hijacking, you needed to see, it was terribly bad, what could be going on with you? This was something i've never seen before. The doctor was worried as well, you know what he said?...." She started, before trailing off.

"What did he say?" I found my curiosity getting the best of me.

"Can't tell you." She sighed and wiped away her tears.

Knowing how hot headed she could be at times I decided to let her be. Usually once she said something it's better to let her be.

"I'll need to pray." I finally whispered, as I tried putting my legs down and about to remove the drip from my hand, since it's almost done.

"Be careful, Saif you can't do that! Just wait, it's almost done, then you can pray."

I rolled my eyes at that, before wheeling the rhetort stand towards the side the slippers were and even though I could feel harsh pains all over me it didn't stop me from standing up and putting on the slippers.

"Do you need some help with that?" Zee asked, getting off from where she was.

"No, thanks!" I said, finally dragging the saline water with me to the loo.

Once I was out she has already laid the praying mat for me. By the time I was done praying it has already started soaking my blood and it was quite painful, I was about to remove it when the doctor came in along with dad.

The doctor removed it and told me of the prescription, then he softened his voice before asking what could be going on with me that my heart almost failed me. That scared me to the brim. He said I almost had a heart attack. When I didn't talk, he exchanged looks with my dad, and I feel ashamed of myself once I exchanged looks with him. I felt bad. Really, really bad, over the fact that i'm playing with my health anyhow. Astagfirullah. May Allah forgive me.

"You need to let it out. It's good being a man and manning up things. But I am a doctor and must say that's not always a good science. A lot of healthy people have made it to psychiatric due to holding on too much and bottling things up."

My Adam's apple began bubbling up and down, as I forcefully swallowed down a saliva as tiny bits of sweat began forming on my forehead. I released a sigh before gently nodding my head, I know everything he said it's true. I need to open up to someone. But who could that be?! On a normal occasion it could have been Zee. But I promised her to never talk about Ilhan infront of her. And I know no way i'll break that promise.

"You know, not necessarily me, you can open up about it to any family member you are comfortable with," the doctor said and I slowly nodded, then I saw him exchanged looks again with father.

"I'll open up to father about it. Thank you." I finally said, before gently looking up to my father and he looked quite shocked before the glint of amusement sparked in his eyes, he seemed happy.

The doctor laughed and looked up at my dad, "Alhamdulillah. Mashaa Allah. Sir, you really got an awesome son."

Dad smiled, "i'm proud of him," he said and even though that didn't entirely took my grieve away, it left an impact there! I mean dad is proud of me, he just said that.

The doctor moved ahead to give me some advice pertaining my health, I thanked him before he left.

"Saif i'm sorry, but it better not be financial trouble!" Dad warned, as both Zee and I chuckled up.

"I'll go get food for you." Zee finally said, and I know she was trying to move away from there so we could have some space, and I kinda felt bad about it.

Published on Friday, 27th August, 2021

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