Epilogue announcement!

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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah everyone!

I know I have been away for quite some time. And like 2022 been a year I didn't visit this app even once! At least I can't remember posting anything here. Though been in it's draft section still, as it's so addictive for me. Lol!

Here I am in 2023, in the middle of the night showing my face on here and being so overwhelmed by all the love you guys have shown this book. Thanks so much. I mean I can't even remember what I had in mind when I wrote it. It was just a casual book I wrote, thinking please Asmaa for the first time in your life write something complete and upload.

Anyways I'm just here to thank you guys for the votes, the comments and shares. I appreciate them all.

I know there's mistakes though, especially with regards to the medical aspect of the book, I mean I'm not a Doctor😂😅 I've made some research during the writing process, but apparently it's not enough lol! But I had mainly let it slide since it's a work of fiction, but at some point the book has to go through much editting and when that time comes hopefully we can offer it complete edit inshaa Allah.

So I was thinking what we should do with the epilogue! That's why I brought this offer on table!

Guys how about you guys write the epilogues yourselves. I mean just write anything about Ilhan and Saif's life and send via my DM. I will choose the best one and make it 2nd epilogue! I mean I'm gonna write an epilogue too. And then I'll choose the best one from my readers and post it, that way we can end up with two epilogues.

You can send it via my DM here on wattpad! For more information you are free to ask in the comment section!;) Thanks. I love u guys!!!

Tuesday 24th January 2023

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