a little story

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you can skip this if you want it's just a little story about something which happened to me. I just wanted to share it somewhere so I decided why not here.

ok, so I was crushing on this one guy since last year or something. and by crush, I mean a good crush. like I would feel really good if I would just see him, I would be in cloud 4 if he smiled at me and by chance if he sat with me during lectures well then..... NVM. all of my friends knew about it. literally, everyone who I used to talk to would get the point.

we danced a couple of dances together. I really felt like he liked me. 

I have a friend. she used to get along really well with that guy. ofc I would get jealous a couple of times, but since they were in the same batch of a lab I thought it might be the reason. he would always get friendly touchy with her. she would try to avoid it in front of me but when they used to be in labs or group projects they would be happy.

there was a prom in our college on the last day of the cultural fest. everyone was excited to either ask their crush or because they got asked out. I was also hoping that he would ask me. my other friends even told him indirectly to ask me out. well, he didn't.

the first hint which I should have taken:-- I and that one friend were sitting when she told me that my crush texted her. she started telling me all the msgs which he was sending. suddenly after reading one msg she froze like literally jungshook as hell. she started looking at me weirdly. I asked her what the msg was. was it something about me? she just shrugged it off and said that he was asking for lab manuals. 

the second hint:-- we both were doing an assignment last moment in our classroom. my phone was about to discharge so I quickly sent the msgs I needed to her. as soon as I opened her WhatsApp I saw his msg on her phone as 'you look damn gorgeous today'. even though ik it was wrong I opened it and saw all the msgs he used to send her. every day they used to chat and flirt. sometimes she would reply and sometimes shrug it off. looks like I was really blinded because I actually thought that it might be friendly flirting.

so a few days ago I decided to confess to him through text. I was about to text him when he texted me saying he needed my help to propose to that girl. he told me how he has already confessed it to her multiple times but she didn't answer her so he would be proposing to her nicely. the funniest part was they even went on dates. I told him that sorry I can't help him. today I got the news that they're together. they both literally posted an ultra-sweet picture of them.

she sent me multiple msgs saying that she's sorry and all shit. I just wanna say that if she knew he doesn't have feelings for me why did she not tell me I the very start? why did she let me get too attached? why did she not tell me that she likes him too? I would have backed out soon. and she has the audacity to ask me for my blessings and come to their party. all my friends are really supportive of me right now but I really didn't expect it from her.

anyway, that's all for today's ted talk lol. I'm sure I'm gonna delete this shit soon. don't worry vsoo one-shot will be updated soon.




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