Chap 13 Visits

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It's been a month since Kana last saw Shisui.

Itachi is still playing shogi with her, and sometimes they would train their chakra together to expand it and to access it more easily. Surprisingly, Fugaku doesn't seem to mind them training by themselves. In fact, he even look a little worried of them advancing steadily fast. Kana was starting to suspect if that's even Itachi's father.

She would sometimes be cooking dishes and making desserts from Before if she's not training, and would of course teach it to Yoshino and Mikoto. The two mothers had grown on her, and so does the Ino-Shika-Cho soon to be fathers.

She was starting to get used to the clan too. She met some kids her age, like Shima and Shomu, the loudest Nara twins she had ever met, and Himeji, the Nara boy with the most longest hair. It's already reaching his waist, and he's intending on growing it on more.

After the what happened on the Naka river, Hosu confessed on how surprised he was when she did the Fireball jutsu. Kana's only response was pointing out the shows from her world, and he immediately understood.

She's glad she has Hosu. She wouldn't know how to deal with the burden of her current situation alone.

Currently, the two are on their way to Kentaro's weapon shop, Hosu comfortably on her head as usual. Kana would occasionally visit the man if she has time after training.

"Ken-ossan!" She chirped once entering his store.

"I told you not to call me that, brat!" The man barked out a laugh, before waving at another shinobi. "I'll see ya later!"

Kana turned her head curiously to look at the customer, and she froze once she realized who it was.

"Thank you, Kentaro-oji!" The customer waved, before completely exiting the store and out of their sight.

'Isn't that..?'

Kentaro sigh happily as they disappeared, before blinking down at the still frozen child. "Kana-chan? You okay?" He asked.

She breathed shakily. "Yeah. I'm fine, old man," She said. Hosu hopped from her head to the man, who immediately caught him and started playing with him like a typical person playing with kittens. Along with the cooing and baby talk.

Kana glanced at the doors once again, before coming to sit on the table beside them.

"So, Ken-ossan," She piped, completely discarding his argue of not calling him that, "Who's that? She called you Kentaro-oji." She added, "Oh, and I got more of the design we're working on."

"That, my dear soon to be apprentice, is my niece!" He declared proudly. "Isn't she beautiful? She's going on a mission today, and outside the village! She's gonna grow up as such a powerful and amazing kunoichi."

"Mmnm." She nodded casually, handling him papers of scribbles. "She is. Can I steal her?"

"What?!" He gasped dramatically. "No, you're not stealing my niece away from me, you damn prodigy. She deserves a lovely future with a loving partner who has time for her, and you clearly won't."

She raised a surprised eyebrow. "So you have no problem of us being the same gender, but with her having time with her partner?"

He hummed, calming down and eyeing the scribbles. "Both of her parents are gone now and I'm the only one who she has left. Gender doesn't matter as long as she could have a partner who won't ever leave her." He said.

Kana lean back on the table to stare at the sharp weapons hanging on the wall thoughtfully, ignoring the heavy ache in her chest as she scratch Hosu behind his ears. Hosu let out a satisfied pur as he curled on her side.

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