Chap 14 War

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Kana has been searching for Itachi for almost two hours now.

It's been days since team Minato went to destroy the Kanabi bridge, and she feels horrible as each day passes. She burried herself in training harder and learning, which worried her senseis, Yoshino and dear Hosu.

Yoshino literally kicked her out of the compound just to stop her from training.

The training grounds in the village isn't available for those who aren't at least Academy students, so she can't train anywhere. She can't even train her chakra control by walking on random trees because Hosu wouldn't hesitate to bite her if she even try.

Shisui isn't back yet, the Ino-Shika-Cho are meeting with the Hokage, and Kentaro's shop is busy. So she only have one person to see.

The problem was that she cannot find the little Uchiha heir anywhere.

He's not with Fugaku since the man was with the Shikaku and the others meeting with the Hokage.

Mikoto told her he might be buying dangos, but the boy wasn't there when she searched the sweet shops.

She checked the training grounds near the Uchiha compound, but there's still no sign of him.

There's only one place she haven't checked yet.

"There he is," She muttered, looking down on the Naka river from the cliff. "Hosu, can you stay here while I talk to him? This could be a bit personal," She said. Hosu nodded, and she jump down, using chakra on the cliff to slow down her fall.

She landed on the surface of the water, wobbling a bit before regaining control of her chakra. She smiled at Itachi's surprised expression, crows flying around him.

"Yo, Itachi-chan," she greeted. "I think we should talk about how jumping off cliffs are not recommend for kids who can't control chakra that well yet. Don't look at me like that, I won't teach you anything until we talk."

Itachi look down on his hands, full of cuts and scratches. "Aren't you busy with training?" He asked.

"Yoshino-oba kicked me out of the compound saying I've been training too much." She shrugged, walking out of the water to sit beside him. "I'm thinking of teaching you tree walking or just hanging out, but I've been searching for you for hours," She said with a sigh.

"So," She raised an eyebrow, "why are you jumping off cliffs? Spill it, I got time."

Itachi stayed silent for a few moments.

"Kana-san, what's the meaning of life?"

Kana frowned, looking down at him as she tried to remember if this whole scene happened, and when. Well, she remember from the series a little Itachi falling here, but she doesn't know why.

"Why? Did something happened?" She questioned, not minding as a crow landed on his head.

Itachi hesitated once again. Kana found it amusing how she can read the child really well when alone, compared to when there's other people with them. It amuses her along with a certain warmth blooming through her chest.



He turn his head away. "..Father took me in a mission outside Konoha a few days ago. I saw war."

Kana stiffened. Oh hell naw. Right when she thought Fugaku had changed into a different man from the series, he goes bringing his son into the battlefield. But Itachi wasn't done yet.

"We went to the funeral this morning to pay respect to another batch of Shinobis who had fallen. I saw Orochimaru-sama, so I asked him of what the meaning of life is."

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