Chap 2 Kaito

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"Otou-san! Okaa-san! Kaito-nii!"

A small girl with dark brown (almost black) hair and teary blue eyes rushed passed the burning houses and screaming bloodied clansmen. Her clansmen.

She made a beeline for her home, which was also burning with crimson red and orange fire. She halted in front of her home with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Okaa-san... Otou-san..." she sobbed as she fell to her knees. "Kaito-nii... AHH!!"

Someone suddenly grabbed her by her leg before she found herself being carried midair. By her leg.

"Lemme go! LEMME GOO!!!" She trashed and screamed as much as her small four year old body could.

A familiar chuckle made her froze before looking up to see the face of her older brother. He was bruised up and was coated in blood, but its still her brother. She look straight to his blue eyes, the color similar to her own.

"Kaito-nii..." she sobbed, clutching the hem of his shirt.

They made their way to the forest. Just as her brother put her down, she immediately tackled him to the ground.

"Kaito-nii!" She cried into his shoulder as her brother let her with a soft tired smile.

"Don't worry, Kana-chan. Kaito-nii is here." He soothed. The familiar voice of his brother calming her.

"Kaito-nii..." she whimpered. "Otou-san and Okaa-san... are they..?"

Kaito sigh tiredly, brushing her hair back. "Yes, Kana-chan. They are dead. And soon, the clan will be too." He said grimly.

Kana look at her brother with fear in her eyes. "W-what? What do you mean, nii-san?"

Kaito pursed his lips before shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Kana-chan. I can't say anything yet, but all you need to know was that I'll never let them hurt you."

Their heads snapped back when they heard a scream near them. "Damn it!" Kaito clicked his tongue. "They're catching up." He said before lifting his little sister up, this time properly. Yet still earned a small eep from the girl.

Kana clutch her brother's shirt as she burried her face to his chest. She can hear the screams and wails of despair. She can smell the metalic blood, the burning flesh and ashes of people, even though they're a bit far away.

Then she heard her brother cuss, something he rarely do unless its grim. Considering their situation, of course he will.

Her heart dropped as a kunai whizzed passed them. Before she knew it, they had stopped on the middle of the forest and were surrounded.

Kaito gave a low growl, covering his little sister as much as he can in his arms. He look at her shaking terrified form before giving a glare at those around them.

'Fuck you. '

He made her hair cover her face, earning a squeak of surprise before doing some hand signs with his free hand.

He'll protect her, no matter what.

"Katon: Gokyaku no Jutsu" (Fire style: Great Fireball Technique)

Kana stopped fixing her hair, clutching her brother with both hands instead as he continued to jump away. She's afraid that once she let go, she'll fall into the fifty meter ground, with her brother being unable to catch her and she'll fall to her death. And if she doesn't die from that fall, then those bad people killing her clansmen would kill her too.

Kaito suddenly stopped in front of a large tree. Kana watched confused as Kaito let her down on her feet, doing some hand signs before slamming his palm down the ground. A big poof of smoke erupted, then a grunt.

"Kaito-sama?" A deep purr was heard.

As the smoke cleared, a four feet tall mammal with black furr and patches of white appeared with the most enchanting green eyes she had seen. It's eyes turned into slits when its ears caught the screams and smelled the burning flesh of their clansmen.

It's green eyes filled with grave acceptance met her brother's blue ones filled with sorrow and gratefulness. After a minute, the summon bowed his head low to him.

Kaito smiled. "Thank you, Hosu." He said, making Hosu raise his head.

They stared at each other for moment longer before Kana watched Kaito stood up facing the direction they were before. She was watching her brother that she didn't noticed Hosu picking her up by her dress from behind before he bolted away from the scene.

"No!" She screamed, trashing at the summon's hold. "Kaito-nii! Get back to Kaito-nii! We can't leave him!!" Large tears were running down her cheeks, she didn't noticed the summon also tearing up.

"I'm sorry, Kana-hime." Was the only thing Hosu growled, Kana almost missing the crack on his voice.

Kana can only look back at the back of her brother until she can't see him anymore.

Hell, she can't even scream her lungs out or else, the enemy would find them and Kaito's sacrifice would be for nothing. She can only shed heavy tears of grief and regret, knowing that she won't see her brother anymore.

She won't hear his voice teasing her about her eyes, even though they have the same eyes.

She won't feel his hand ruffling her hair until it's all like a porcupine anymore.

She won't ever feel another 'Kaito-yummy-huggies' anymore.

"Stupid pain in the ass brother."


Samantha did not woke up with a gasp like what is usually seen in normal fanfictions. She did not bolted in a sitting position and immediately started wailing after a memory/nightmare dream.

Samantha slowly opened her eyes, with tears streaming down the sides of her face. She layed there for a moment before sitting up slowly with tears still silently streaming down her face.

I'm guessing you know what triggered that reaction but I'll explain anyway.

Samantha just remembered everything. From Kana's first moments in this world until the moment her brother's last.

Looking at the small clock on the wall, showing three o'clock, she was surprised on such a few hours could replay a person's memories worth four years.

Nevermind, she turned five yesterday.

She sat cross-legged, elbows on her knees and hands gripping her hair.

*'I feel like my brain's going to explode...'* Samantha groan softly. The memories of Kana mixed with her own was a lot to take in. Especially when two are debating whether she should kill herself because *she's in a freaking fictional universe filled with ninjas that could slice her off from limb to limb* or grieve and wail because *her clan is freaking dead and maybe she should kill herself* which is really stupid because her brother sacrificed his ass and suicide is stupid. Who would want to kill themselves anyway?

Oh right.

(A/n: Never kill yourselves kids.)

She took deep breaths, to calm herself and to atleast reduce the extreme headache forming. Her head was throbbing but she forced it down, leaning back on the headboard of the bed as she started collecting her thoughts with her eyes closed in consentration.

A surprise greeted her once she opened her eyes.

She fall back startled with a yelp as a puff of smoke suddenly appeared right at the middle of the room. She could only gape as they stepped out of the smoke.


The summon's eyes lit up. "Kana-hime!"

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