Chap 3 Hidden Leaf Village

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Previously on Eye of the Hurricane:

She fall back in surprise with a yelp as a puff of smoke suddenly appeared right at the middle of the room. She could only gape as they stepped out of the smoke.



A/n: from now on, Samantha will be referred as Kana unless said so :3

And surprise I updated after 2 weeks! That's actually a record I'm really proud of. Sob.

So the next update would probably be some months or something,, I haven't recovered yet from exams... I refuse to say I 'hate' exams, maybe 'despise' because that's sounds more professional yeah.


As Kana made eye contact with the feline, she tensed as the cheetah lit up like Christmas lights.


She gave another yelp as the summon suddenly tackled her to the bed.

"I was so worried!" Hosu whinned. The sound made her feel uncomfortable because his voice is deep and all, but he was whining. "We were nearing the Rain Country borders to the Fire Country when men of Hanzo suddenly attacked us but then you passed out but I managed to get us out of there but I was suddenly unsummoned by the elders then-"

Aaaannnddd he's rambling.

Ah yes. She can recall from the first Kana's memories that they were attacked but then she passed out because a child cannot handle the toll of what happened. The fact that they had travelled for hours in a ninja cheetah speed then it started raining once they had reached the Ame.

Kana frowned, currently ignoring the big mammal curled up above her, who is still rambling btw.

She'll be blunt and all, but she just realized how weak this body is. Unlike Kaito and her parents, she didn't grew up like a ninja. From what she know, kaito was only a few years older than her yet, he was considered a jonin to the clan. He was a prodigy. In fact, half of their ninjas were prodigies.

It's a mystery on how their clan got massacred.

Another thing, her uncle was the clan head. So why was the clan head's niece not trained as a ninja?

She needs to get stronger.

She's probably the last of her clan. There's still a chance that those who had massacred her clan was still searching for left survivors. She can't let that happen. Aside from the fact that this was her second chance to live a much better life, she cannot let Kana's brother, her brother, sacrifice be in vain.

"Hey Hosu?" She called to the feline who was still hovering her. She started combing through his furr, earning a deep purr from the summon.

"Yes, Kana-chan?" Hosu purred, delighted by her touch. Kana's hand stopped, making Hosu look up to his self-proclaimed princess.

There was such seriousness in her eyes that made Hosu question whether he was looking at the same princess that he used to carry like his cub.

"Hosu," Kana started once again. "I want to get stronger. And I will."

"But I need you to stay by my side. I want you to be all the way with me. You're the only one left of my clan." Her determined eyes softened into a much tender and vulnerable look. "Will you?"

They were looking at each other in concentration until Hosu broke his stare. "I knew something was different." He sigh heavily. "You're not my Kana-hime, aren't you?"

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