Chap 6 Them

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Shikaku raised an amused eyebrow when he stepped into the shop where Yoshino said Kana will be waiting.

She was seated on the counter, scribbling furiously at the paper in front of her all the while chatting animatedly to the owner of the shop, who was also sharing her excitement to whatever she was saying. Hosu was curled up to her side, looking at to what she was scribbling with amazement.

"-and it will be really fast and deep and needs more eye coordination but it's more worth it because it's really cool and fast and powerful but it's small but it's really strong-"

"Breath, Kana." Shikaku chuckled, coming up behind them with hands in his pockets. His glaze slid over to the paper curiously seeing some complicated and barely recognized drawing. "What's that?"

Kana and Kentaro exchanged glanced before blocking his view with huge grins. "Nothing." They chorused.

Shikaku simply shrugged. "Alright." He said. Whatever they are doing will simply make sense, seeing that she could be a possible prodigy in the making. "You know that you're just gonna start training, right?" He deadpan at the dozens of kunai and shuriken being packed in a large bag.

"Yup." She chirped, gettin the bag and placing Hosu on her head before grasping Shikaku's hand. "C'mon oji. Yoshino-oba's food is waiting."

Shikaku sigh, waving a goodbye to the owner before letting her drag him.

They passed many shops and houses, before she halted in a department shop.

"Huh?" Shikaku asked when she stopped dragging him, stopping infront of a shop. He wanted to see if she already knew their way back to the compound, and letting her drag him would be less of a drag.

In the short time she was with Kentaro, Kana have learned a very important thing. You take what you get, and use it to your advantage. Currently being a kid is her advantage.

"Shikaku-oji," she look up to hin with wide blue innocent eyes. "Can I learn fuinjutsu, please?"

Shikaku was honestly surprised. He would expect her to be more like a tactican, taking advantage of her genius prodigal intelligence, or more like a heavy hitter from how many weapons she had take from her first shopping for gears.

Though he suppose learning fuinjutsu is a better choice for her. It requires a lot of patience, time for learning, imagination and supreme knowledge about things. It just fits her perfectly.

But she's still young. Too young to learn anything about sealing land creating explosives.

"Sorry kid. You can learn, but not yet." He responded. He had to force himself to look away from her pout. "How about some notebooks and scrolls for now?" He said. The Hokage already told them they would train her in the basics, and she would be joining the academy maybe a year from now. It's better if she gets a headstart.

'That just means more work..' Something snipped at the corner of his mind, but he ignored it for now.

She perked up at that, looking around before brightening up at the department shop beside them. He let himself get dragged by the child inside.
After the lovely lunch with Yoshino and Shikaku, Yoshino decided that a nice stroll around the village would do Kana good. Kana hesitated at first, thinking that she just got into the village a few days ago, and no doubt mysterious people would still be after her. But a quick assurance from Shikaku told her that ninjas would be loitering around. Anbu would to, passed over her head.

'Besides,' She thought, 'Hoshi is with me. No need to worry.'

So she changed into a more fitted shorts, keeping Shikaku's shirt because it's so damn comfortable, then picked up Hosu in her arms and headed out.

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