For the First Time In Forever

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(In the tune of "For the First Time in Forever" from Disney's Frozen)


Trumps out of office,
we're safe once more!
Maybe now we won't have a civil war Finally the Democrats have won

For years our country has been run by a clown who thinks war threats are fun
Thank god twitter has banned that man's account

There'll be actual covid protocols, it'll be totally strange. Wow am I so ready for this change

Cause for the first time in forever, the people will be free

For the first time in forever there won't be a killing spree

Don't know if I'm scared or happy but I'm somewhere in that zone

Cause for the first time in forever the Democrats won't GrOan!

I can't wait to see everyone! What if I see ThE one??

Tonight imagine me mask and all
For once not worried about Don's wall
Waiting for Obama to arrive

I suddenly see him standing there
Uwu, I hope Michelle's not here
I can't wait to make some republicans cry

And Trump will finally leave the white house
And get his orange ass in the car
I don't know where he's going but I hope it's far

Cause for the first time in forever, the people will be free

For the first time in forever there won't be a killing spree

Don't know if I'm scared or happy but I'm somewhere in that zone

Cause for the first time in forever the Democrats won't GrOan!


The elections wrong, the news is fake.
I still have four more years to make the country great.

Fox News will tell the truth for all to know! Now can everyone stop calling my presidency a shit show?

I'll build a wall one day


Its finally the day


And America won't pay


It's been agony to wait!

It's finally inauguration day


No way


Cause for the first time in forever

We're getting what we've all dreamed of

A chance to change the crazy world

That Trump's administration caused

And it'll finally end tomorrow

The crusty Cheeto's reign

And for the first time in forever

We will never ever have to hear

"Make America Great Again!"


Hey Joe, Trumps refusing to get out of office . . .

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